This website frontend end design was made up of HTML ,CSS and JAVASCRIPT. Frameworks were used at beginining for backend purpose , then styling the website was done from scratch without any framework.
1)The website only works in laptop since we havent used media queries.
2)There might be some implmentation css error like logout button would come out of navgiation bar or the text area where you
message would exceed the screen.
3)Inorder to fix the error, keep the zoom value to given following browsers
-FIREFOX (ZOOM 90%-100%)
4)These errors were identified using only 3 browsers, if there is any css implementation error,try to zoom out and it depends upon
laptop also.
1)To create post u can use TAB key
2)To send post OR To send comment u can use ENTER key
3)To remove text area or post area u can use ESCAPE key
This website backend part was done using GO and COCKROACH DB