is a script that works as the official BetterDiscord installer. This script applies mod on default Discord (non canary, etc.). It automatically downloads betterdiscord.asar
file from the official BetterDiscord GitHub repo and adds into loading modules.
Currently, BetterDiscordAutoInstaller
is supported for Windows and macOS platforms.
also allows you to add/remove it from autostart, without having to run it manually every time. For MacOS, the user can also choose to bind script to a keyboard shortcut to manually update.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the dependencies:
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script:
To add BetterDiscordAutoInstaller to your startup apps:
You need to move to this
I will be grateful for any contribution and help given to improve the quality of the project :)
(especially about adapting the project to other platforms like linux, etc :3)
There is redundant/repetitive code which is seen both in and
That can be fixed. Just need to make sure to have 2 seperate files to allow for auto, manual install, and auto/manual-mixed functionalities.
Well, just fork it
But please, don't forget to mention original project in your README
Ajit Mehrotra for adding masOS support
This project is under the MIT license.