20add07 Sarth Adds a couple more functional queries
68ec602 SarthaRefactors limit
1106d31 Sarthak | Adds Why golselect in README
e0afd66 Sarthak | Adds a check to ensure source directory can only be followed by where, order by, or limit clause
07dde6b Sarthak | Adds a few integration tests combining aggregate functions and where clause
aaed226 Sarthak | Adds a few integration tests for checking data type inference. Also allows mime type functions to be used in where
cc7f91e Sarthak | Adds a few more queries in functional queries
705aaf4 Sarthak | Adds a functional test based on queries defined in FunctionalQueries.json
e5e93d2 Sarthak | Adds a missing test for endsWith functions
b4e72f0 Sarthak | Adds a section for unsupported ideas in README
af6e9d0 Sarthak | Adds a table of content to README
07e6804 Sarthak | Adds another integration test for isImage
524343a Sarthak | Adds changelog 0.0.4 in README
1e152ea Sarthak | Adds codecov token
0b2d290 Sarthak | Adds codecoverage icon
fde89ec Sarthak | Adds coverage
f6becc1 Sarthak | Adds endsWith function
7f2c547 Sarthak | Adds few missing tests for Limit
fede274 Sarthak | Adds few missing tests for Order
5689046 Sarthak | Adds few missing tests for Source
ef7557b Sarthak | Adds few missing tests for Where
eb93060 Sarthak | Adds few missing tests for Where
6bc9600 Sarthak | Adds goselect commands in README
ce50632 Sarthak | Adds ifBlank function
04ca21c Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Attributes
3945c37 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Expression
e886432 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Parser
90c43b2 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for ParsingApplicationContext
5d10086 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Value
a440802 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Value - GetBoolean
e74e62b Sarthak | Adds missing tests for Writer
87d5743 Sarthak | Adds missing tests for token
7197e88 Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for AggregateFunctionBlock
f20c77a Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for FileAttributes
354dcd9 Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for Functions
4f9d7a5 Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for MimeTypeAttributeEvaluationBlock
82fb500 Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for Rows
ca0edfa Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for ScalarFunctionBlock
3e533f6 Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for SelectQueryExecutor
d8a9e9c Sarthak | Adds missing tests tests for ValueConversion
1e72edf Sarthak | Adds queries in README
0a929f2 Sarthak | Adds quotes in why goselect
86e6c85 Sarthak | Adds support for groups in planned changes
72ab63e Sarthak | Adds support for version flag
e3a8401 Sarthak | Adds tags in all the tests. Tests are now categorized as unit, integration and functional by tags. build.yml of goci also changes to report the coverage of unit and integration
f2945c7 Sarthak | Adds tasks for v0.0.4 release
282e635 Sarthak | Adds test folder inside resources
493ad7d Sarthak | Adds test tags for Tokens_test
1da028f Sarthak | Adds tests for DirectoryPath
8143f03 Sarthak | Adds tests for Expression
ea137c3 Sarthak | Adds tests for projections
298ac53 Sarthak | Adds ~ example in README
ee9a639 Sarthak | Attemps to correct the failing build. With this commit, we skip the error that might occur in creating a value from token. This can happen if token was wrongly inferred to be of a specific data type.
5a9577c Sarthak | Changes an image in README
b901b82 Sarthak | Changes latest download to v0.0.4
51a0fe1 Sarthak | Changes the current version to 0.0.3
735cec7 Sarthak | Changes the error message in Where
9487c34 Sarthak | Changes the functions image
9729efd Sarthak | Changes the method names in Expression
a3ce779 Sarthak | Changes the regexp of floating point, only . is now not recognized as float
7e02ae4 Sarthak | Expression now supports context.Value instead of treating literals as string
c7c43c3 Sarthak | Formats README
b25e93e Sarthak | Formats README
7b24307 Sarthak | Improves error messages
a93cd4a Sarthak | Improves the performance of like function. It now maintains the compiled regular expression in a cache called FunctionExecutionCache. In the future versions, or commits, this cache may be changed to LRU
d2c3f58 Sarthak | Introduces startsWith function
2cc73df Sarthak | Limit now supports value with a +sign
597fe55 Sarthak | Makes 0.0.4 as the current release
a25a061 Sarthak | Modifies the description of ifBlank
64d6304 Sarthak | Refactors Order
058e886 Sarthak | Refactors Source
bd2ed47 Sarthak | Refactors projections
9919489 Sarthak | Removes and/or/not tokens
087996b Sarthak | Removes duplication from Value
a93a500 Sarthak | Removes duplication from ValueConversions
8b9a7c0 Sarthak | Removes duplication from ValueConversions, first pass
94bcbc7 Sarthak | Removes ioutil
bcdc772 Sarthak | Removes unsupported tokens from tokenizer
f285f8b Sarthak | Renames formatter tests to integration test
46c6468 Sarthak | Token exposes API to determine if a token is numeric, floating point or boolean
6e4f164 Sarthak | Tokenizer now uses regexp to determine token type as numeric, floating point and boolean
ac6921c Sarthak | Updates README
56f66c1 Sarthak | Updates README
3f05d80 Sarthak | Updates README
1631a09 Sarthak | Updates README
fabc659 Sarthak | Updates README
4f072e3 Sarthak | Updates README
be78c3b Sarthak | Updates README
6ae908a Sarthak | Updates README
6a84b8d Sarthak | Updates README
99991ad Sarthak | Updates README
b471e3f Sarthak | Updates README, adds Changelog section
b75977e Sarthak | Updates Tasks
b01c7cd Sarthak | Updates Tasks
d854c4d Sarthak | Updates Where parsing, it now accepts only order and limit keyword after where
3c08606 Sarthak | Updates queries in README
4c08736 Sarthak | Uses images inside resources folder for testing
a0f5e79 Sarthak | Value is now correctly converted to numeric, floating point or boolean based on the token type
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