Using: java 17.0.10 e gradle 7.4.2
Build the ju2jmh tool (In the Tool Root): gradle build
New Gradle Project using Kotling language Make 2 subproject: GradleProject |--app (build.gradle.kts must have the right dependencies for junit 4.13.2) |--src/main/java/(containing packages of classes) |--src/test/java/(containing packages of test classes) |--ju2jmh |--src/jmh/java/(containing packages of benchmarks) |--src/main/java/ |--src/test/java/
the ju2jmh/src/jmh/java and ju2jmh/src/jmh/resources folders must be created by hand, then run the build.gradle.kts (using id("me.champeau.jmh") version "0.6.6" as plugin and the needed dependencies) packages must have the same name and be organized the same way for each module
build GradleProject (In the Target Project Root): gradle build
remove existent benchmarks (In the Target Project Root): rm -r ju2jmh/src/jmh/java/*
re-build GradleProject (In the Target Project Root): gradle clean gradle build
run generation gradle converter:run --args="C:/Users/anton/Documents/IntellijProjects/GradleProject/app/src/test/java/ C:/Users/anton/Documents/IntellijProjects/GradleProject/app/build/classes/java/test/ C:/Users/anton/Documents/IntellijProjects/GradleProject/ju2jmh/src/jmh/java/ banca.ContoBancarioTest"
build benchmarks (In the Target Project Root): gradle jmhJar
list avaible benchmarks: java -jar C:/Users/anton/Documents/IntellijProjects/GradleProject/ju2jmh/build/libs/ju2jmh-jmh.jar -l
run benchmarks (first way): use the jmh task in the gradle menu under ju2jmh opening GradleProject with IntelliJ
run the benchmarks (second way): java -jar C:/Users/anton/Documents/IntellijProjects/GradleProject/ju2jmh/build/libs/ju2jmh-jmh.jar -f 1 -wi 0 -i 1 -r 100ms -foe true