Skygear is a cloud backend for apps. It comes with SDKs for iOS, Android and Web.
This is a yeoman generator for a React-Skygear app. It extends generator-react-webpack.
What's in the app:
- API and endpoint configuration
- User sign up/sign in with a simple UI.
Follow the steps below to create a React-Skygear app:
- Make sure you are using node5.0+ and npm3+
- Sign up an account at and get the server Endpoint and the API key of your Skygear app.
# Make sure both is installed globally
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-skygear
# Create a new directory, and `cd` into it:
mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project
# Run the generator
yo skygear
You will be asked to input the server endpoint and the api key of your app. You can get them from the developer portal after creating an account at Skygeario.
npm start
If you can see the following screen, it means you have set up the app successfully. 😄
The following commands are available for your project:
# Start for development
npm start # or
npm run serve
# Start the dev-server with the dist version
npm run serve:dist
# Just build the dist version and copy static files
npm run dist
# Run unit tests
npm test
# Auto-run unit tests on file changes
npm run test:watch
# Lint all files in src (also automatically done AFTER tests are run)
npm run lint
# Clean up the dist directory
npm run clean
# Just copy the static assets
npm run copy
For more advance usage and option detail, please refer to [ of generator-react-webpack] (
As a next step you can check out the guides for Skygear cloud database basics and Skygear user authentication basics.