This is a C coding project for Epitech's sophomores, The goal of this project is to create a game like Jetpack Joyride.
Open subject.pdf for more information about this project.
- Code style
- Every developper participating to this project must apply this coding convention.
- IDE / Editor
- We suggest using Atom.
- Repository access
- Follow this guide to add ssh access on this repository.
- Open a terminal, compile with the make command.
- Open a second terminal
- ./server -p [PORT] -g [GRAVITY] -m [MAP]
- ./client -h [IP] -p [PORT]
Example :
./serverJ2T3 -p 9090 -g 1 -m Map/map1.txt
./clientJ2T3 -h -p 9090
Arthur Malaise
Sofiane Charrad (
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Sofiane Charrad