This repository contains the labs and projects completed during my journey in the field of Electronic Engineering in the Analysis and Design of Algorithms course.
Analysis and Design of Algorithms is the second programming course at Tecnológico de Costa Rica and is a requirement for Electronic and Software related university programs. During the course, C++ is used on Visual Studio 2017.
In this repository, you will find the programs and assignments I completed during the summer of 2019 and 2020. The content is organized as follows:
- Examen 1 Memoria
- Examen P1 Memory Stat-Din
- Examen 2 Arboles y Punteros
- Ejercicio 4.1 Examen 2 Arbol
- Examen 2 Ejercicio 4.2 y 4.3 Bits
- Laboratorio A
- Laboratorio 1A-1 Hola mundo
- Laboratorio 1A-2 Suma
- Laboratorio 1A-3 AreaRectangulo
- Laboratorio 1A-4 PerimetroRectangulo
- Laboratorio 1A-5 VolumenRectangulo
- Laboratorio 1A-6 EsCuadrado
- Laboratorio 1A-7 RegAlumno v1
- Laboratorio 1A-8 ArregloDeCienNumeros V1
- Laboratorio 1A-9 ArregloDeCienNumeros V2
- Laboratorio 1A-10 RegAlumno v2
- CargaPadron(Entregable)
- Lista SImple(Entregable)
- ListaDoble(Entregable)
- ListaSimpleMejorada(Entregable)
- Arbol_Binario_Busqueda
- CargaPadron
- Pilas, Colas, Listas
- Parametros
- Pila_Cola
- pch
- Rutinas
- Proyecto 1: Calculadora y Encuesta
- Calculadora Posfija
- Encuesta
- Proyecto 3: Imagenes (In this project, we used decompression and compression theory.)
Additionally, you will also find other documents like documentation with some information related to projects.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for visiting my repository!