🌱 I’m currently learning Terraform, jenkins
👨💻 All of my projects are available at GitHub profile (link)
📝 I regularly write articles on Blog - Medium
💬 Ask me about ML, DevOps, Cloud, Cyber-security
📫 How to reach me LinkedIn profile link
⚡ Fun fact I have insomnia
Youtube Channel:
sessions conducted:
const Srish = {
languages: ["Javascript", "Python", "R", "PhP", "C", "C++", "mongoose", "GoLang"],
domains: ["web Dev", "M<achine Learning", "Cloud", "DevOps"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
["React.Js", "Next.Js", "Tailwind CSS", "Jquery", "Styled Components", "MaterialUI"]
backEnd: {
["Node.Js","Express.Js", "fastAPI", "Django"],
machineLearning: [ "matplotLib", "pandas🐼", "np", "sklearn", "Tensorflow", "keras"],
cloud: ["Linux", "Networking", "Terraform", "Bash"],
devOps: ["Docker🐳", "Kubernetes☸️", "Github actions", "yaml", "git"],
platforms: ["Azure", "AWS", "GCP"],
databases: ["mongoDB", "MySql", "PostgreSQL"]
web APIs: ["RESTful", "GraphQL"],
CyberSec: ["Cryptography", "SQLinjenction", "ciphers", "encryption", "RSA", "hashcat", "nmap", "wireshark"],
currentFocus: "Automation", "Dev Rel",
communities: {
Lead: Google Developers Group onCampus NITR",
LeadOrganiser: "AWS userGroup Sangli-Kolhapur",
member: [ "WTM Bhubaneshwar", "GDG Pune", "OpenCode, NITR" ]
└─$ bash stats.sh