Proof of concept for a better react-like framework
React is based on a work loop design, that is why it is not REACTIVE. For example, states are updated asynchronously.
So I have developed a proof of concept around the Observer design pattern to develop a react-like library where the render is done after an updated state event is fired.
This project has only one dependency - uuid - to get a unique id for each component, still you can see working TSX components, some with State handling, automatic rerendering, etc...
You can use full JSX syntax and the core framework is less than 70 lines
Just get the public directory and launch your favorite http server to serve index.html
Download the project, create your own components, modify the existing ones, then build the public/dist/bundle.js file : yarn build
and serve the index.html
You only need to import the createElement in your JSX/TSX file because this is the custom pragma that will convert JSX to JS.