Releases: TechnicallyCoded/FoliaLib
Releases · TechnicallyCoded/FoliaLib
BETA 0.4.4 - Fix SpigotImplementation runAtEntityTimer() & runAtEntityLater() & other minor cleanups
BETA 0.4.4 - Fix SpigotImplementation runAtEntityTimer() & runAtEntityLater() & other minor cleanups
What's Changed
- Change JavaPlugin to Plugin by @failutee in #26
- Fix SpigotImplementation runAtEntityTimer() & runAtEntityLater() & minor cleanups by @TechnicallyCoded in #36
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.4.3...0.4.4
BETA 0.4.3 - Chain Futures, New Methods, and Bug Patches
What's Changed
- Chain by @CJCrafter in #16
- Thread check by @CJCrafter in #18
- Check projectile death state, fixes #14 by @PikaMug in #24
New Contributors
- @CJCrafter made their first contribution in #16
- @PikaMug made their first contribution in #24
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.4.3
BETA 0.3.4 - Add runAtEntityLater and runAtEntityLater & Fixes
- Add runAtEntityLater and runAtEntityLater. Resolves #12
- Fix a few NPEs
BETA 0.3.1 - Relocation Checks, Task Consumers & Tick Duration Corrections
- Added relocation (shade plugin) check at startup
- Added task consumers
- Added better platform detection
- Automatically rewrite tick values to be > 0 (Will show a warning in console unless you call FoliaLib#disableInvalidTickValueWarning())
- Update README with new examples and information
- Minor bug fixes
BETA 0.2.5 - Java 8 support, Support ticks as a time unit & Fixes
- Migrate the project to being a multi-module project
- Move non-Folia classes to be compiled in Java 8
- Add support for legacy Minecraft versions (don't load Java 16 classes at runtime if not running on Folia)
- Add ability to check is a task is cancelled
- Add isCancelled() compatibility with legacy Bukkit versions using isCurrentlyRunning() and isQueued()
- Minor fixes & documentation updates
BETA 0.2.0 - Cancellable tasks, entity tasks & fixes
- Added cancellable tasks,
- Added entity tasks,
- Removed scopes and use separate method names instead,
- Changed server version checks to use class names instead of version name
BETA 0.1.1 - Release
Initial release + minor updates and fixes