SheenBidi implements Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm available at It is a sophisticated implementation which provides the developers an easy way to use UBA in their applications.
Here are some of the advantages of SheenBidi.
- Object based.
- Optimized to the core.
- Designed to be thread safe.
- Lightweight API for interaction.
- Supports UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings.
It works as a code point decoder by accepting a string buffer in specified encoding.
It provides bidirectional type of each code unit in source string. Paragraph boundaries can be queried from it as determined by rule P1. Individual paragraph objects can be created from it by explicitly specifying the base level or deriving it from rules P2-P3.
It represents a single paragraph of text processed with rules X1-I2. It provides resolved embedding levels of all the code units of a paragraph.
It represents a single line of text processed with rules L1-L2. However, it provides reordered level runs instead of reordered characters.
It represents a sequence of characters which have the same embedding level. The direction of a run would be right-to-left, if its embedding level is odd.
It provides the facility to find out the mirrored characters in a line as determined by rule L4.
Not directly related to UBA but can be useful for text shaping. It provides the facility to find out the script runs as specified in UAX #24.
SheenBidi does not depend on any external library. It only uses standard C library headers stddef.h
, stdint.h
and stdlib.h
The configuration options are available in Headers/SBConfig.h
logs every activity performed in order to apply bidirectional algorithm.SB_CONFIG_UNITY
builds the library as a single module and lets the compiler make decisions to inline functions.
SheenBidi can be compiled with any C compiler. The best way for compiling is to add all the files in an IDE and hit build. The only thing to consider however is that if SB_CONFIG_UNITY
is enabled then only Source/SheenBidi.c
should be compiled.
SheenBidi can also be compiled and installed with CMake:
cmake -S. -Bbuild-rel -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build-rel -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
sudo cmake --install build-rel
The installed package can be found in other CMake projects via
SheenBidi provides a single target, SheenBidi::sheenbidi
SheenBidi can also be used via FetchContent
If you're working on SheenBidi itself, you can build and run the tests with:
cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
Here is a simple example written in C11.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SheenBidi.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
/* Create code point sequence for a sample bidirectional text. */
const char *bidiText = "یہ ایک )car( ہے۔";
SBCodepointSequence codepointSequence = { SBStringEncodingUTF8, (void *)bidiText, strlen(bidiText) };
/* Extract the first bidirectional paragraph. */
SBAlgorithmRef bidiAlgorithm = SBAlgorithmCreate(&codepointSequence);
SBParagraphRef firstParagraph = SBAlgorithmCreateParagraph(bidiAlgorithm, 0, INT32_MAX, SBLevelDefaultLTR);
SBUInteger paragraphLength = SBParagraphGetLength(firstParagraph);
/* Create a line consisting of whole paragraph and get its runs. */
SBLineRef paragraphLine = SBParagraphCreateLine(firstParagraph, 0, paragraphLength);
SBUInteger runCount = SBLineGetRunCount(paragraphLine);
const SBRun *runArray = SBLineGetRunsPtr(paragraphLine);
/* Log the details of each run in the line. */
for (SBUInteger i = 0; i < runCount; i++) {
printf("Run Offset: %ld\n", (long)runArray[i].offset);
printf("Run Length: %ld\n", (long)runArray[i].length);
printf("Run Level: %ld\n\n", (long)runArray[i].level);
/* Create a mirror locator and load the line in it. */
SBMirrorLocatorRef mirrorLocator = SBMirrorLocatorCreate();
SBMirrorLocatorLoadLine(mirrorLocator, paragraphLine, (void *)bidiText);
const SBMirrorAgent *mirrorAgent = SBMirrorLocatorGetAgent(mirrorLocator);
/* Log the details of each mirror in the line. */
while (SBMirrorLocatorMoveNext(mirrorLocator)) {
printf("Mirror Index: %ld\n", (long)mirrorAgent->index);
printf("Actual Code Point: %ld\n", (long)mirrorAgent->codepoint);
printf("Mirrored Code Point: %ld\n\n", (long)mirrorAgent->mirror);
/* Release all objects. */
return 0;
Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Muhammad Tayyab Akram
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.