2021-11-25, Version 2.11.1(LTS)
Notable Changes
Android remove dispatch layout in onLayout for RecyclerViewBase.
Android set release minifyEnabled false.
iOS text should not be available for view cache.
HippyReactWeb fix event.path for safari.
Bug Fixes
- android: adapter android 11 get status bar height (c918740)
- android: fix lint warnings & errors (49c9c4f)
- android: minisdk=14 and release minifyEnabled=false (69b18d8)
- android: remove dispatch layout in onLayout for RecyclerViewBase (2c3d378)
- android: resolve #1104 commit crash (626cb0d)
- hippy-react-web: event.path is not supported for safari (9855ff9)
- ios: text should not be available for view cache (10fdadb)
- core: fix lint warning and fix iOS demo bug (2bec712)