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TheAviationDoctor committed Nov 12, 2024
1 parent 687e5a4 commit f79883c
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,044 additions and 1,030 deletions.
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Empty file modified FutureAirport.Rproj
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257 changes: 136 additions & 121 deletions app.R
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Expand Up @@ -19,23 +19,24 @@ cat("\014")

# Load the airport data
dt_apt <- fread(
file = "data/apt/airports.csv",
header = TRUE,
colClasses = c(rep("character", 3L), rep("numeric", 2L), "factor")
) |> setkey(cols = icao)
file = "data/apt/airports.csv",
header = TRUE,
colClasses = c(rep("character", 3L), rep("numeric", 2L), "factor")
) |> setkey(cols = icao)

# Load the climate data
dt_cli <- fread(
file = "data/cli/cli.csv",
header = TRUE,
colClasses = c(rep("factor", 4L), rep("numeric", 12L))
) |> setkey(cols = icao, var, ssp, year)
file = "data/cli/cli.csv",
header = TRUE,
colClasses = c(rep("factor", 4L), rep("numeric", 12L))
) |> setkey(cols = icao, var, ssp, year)

# Initialize a list for the user choices
choices <- list("apt" = dt_apt$icao)
Expand All @@ -58,6 +59,13 @@ choices$var <- c(
"Air temperature" = "tas"

# Define display names for the variables
choices$units <- c(
"hurs" = "%",
"ps" = " Pa",
"tas" = "°C"

# Define display names for the statistics
choices$stat <- c(
"Minimum (lowest annual value)" = "min",
Expand All @@ -74,10 +82,10 @@ choices$key <- c(
"Change in value since 2015" = "dif"

# input <- list()
# input$apt <- "All"
# input$ssp <- "ssp245"
# input$ssp <- "ssp370"
# input$var <- "tas"
# input$stat <- "mean"
# input$key <- "abs"
Expand All @@ -86,28 +94,29 @@ choices$key <- c(
# ==== 1 UI layout ====

ui <- fillPage(

# ==== 1.1 Styling ====

theme = bs_theme(version = 5, bootswatch = "cosmo"),
.bi-info-circle-fill { font-size: 14px; margin-left: 5px; cursor: pointer; color: #2780E3; }
.row, .well { height: 100%;} # Side and main panels height
.row, .well { height: 100%;}
.shiny-input-select { font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; }
.col-sm-3 { padding-right: 0px; }
.col-sm-9 { padding: 0px; }

# ==== 1.2 Display contents ====


# ==== 1.2 Display sidebar panel with selectors ====

width = 3,
h3("Climate change at airports worldwide, 2015–2100"),
# Airport selector
h6("Select an airport (optional):", bs_icon("info-circle-fill")), "Optionally, pick one of the ~900 airports worldwide with at least 1M passengers in annual traffic, sorted alphabetically by their IATA code. 'All' will display all airports at once.",
h6("Select or click on an airport (optional):", bs_icon("info-circle-fill")), "Optionally, pick one of the ~900 airports worldwide with at least 1M passengers in annual traffic, sorted alphabetically by their IATA code. 'All' will display all airports at once.",
placement = "bottom"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,29 +169,31 @@ ui <- fillPage(
sep = "",
width = "100%"
# For debugging only

# # For debugging only
# htmlOutput("apt"),
# htmlOutput("ssp"),
# htmlOutput("var"),
# htmlOutput("stat"),
# htmlOutput("key"),
# htmlOutput("year"),
# htmlOutput("selected"),
# DT::DTOutput("table"),
# htmlOutput("range")
width = 9,
leafletOutput("map", height = "100%") # Display map

# ==== 1.3 Display main panel with map ====

mainPanel(width = 9, leafletOutput("map", height = "100%"))

# ==== 2 Server logic ====

server <- function(input, output, session) {

# ==== 2.1 Update selectors dynamically ====

# ==== 2.1 Update input values from selectors ====
# Airport selector
Expand All @@ -202,7 +213,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
inputId = "ssp",
label = NULL,
choices = choices$ssp,
selected = choices$ssp[2]
selected = choices$ssp[3]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,30 +254,15 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {

# ==== 2.2 Filter data dynamically based on selector inputs ====

# Filter map data
# dt_map <- reactive(
# {
# return(
# dt_cli[
# ssp == input$ssp &
# var == input$var &
# year == input$year,
# # if(input$apt %in% icao) icao == input$apt else icao != input$apt,
# .SD,
# .SDcols = patterns(paste("icao", "ssp", "var", "year", input$stat, sep = "|"))
# ]
# )
# }
# )

# ==== 2.2 Filter data for SSP, variable, statistic, and year, based on selector inputs (always returns all airports) ====

dt_map <- reactive(
ssp == input$ssp &
var == input$var &
year == input$year,
var == input$var &
year == input$year,
icao = icao,
ssp = ssp,
Expand All @@ -275,93 +271,112 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
abs = get(paste("abs", input$stat, sep = "_")),
dif = get(paste("dif", input$stat, sep = "_"))
dt_apt, on = "icao" # Merge with airport data table
popup := paste( # Assemble hover label
"<b>", name, " (", iata, "/", icao, ") ", # Airport
" in ", year, # Year
" under ", substr(x = toupper(input$ssp), start = 1, stop = 4), ":</b></br>", # SSP
names(choices$stat[choices$stat == input$stat]), " ", # Statistic
tolower(names(choices$var[choices$var == input$var])), ": ", # Variable
"<b>", sprintf(fmt = "%.2f", abs), choices$units[[input$var]], "</b>.</br>", # Predicted value for the year
# Change in value since 2015
if(input$year > 2015) paste("Change since 2015: <b>", sprintf(fmt = "%+.2f", dif), if(choices$units[[input$var]] == "%") " p.p" else choices$units[[input$var]], "</b>.", sep = ""), sep = "")

# ==== 2.4 Process the map ====

# Render the map

# ==== 2.3 Render the base map ====

output$map <- renderLeaflet(
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE)) |>
lng = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) dt_apt[icao == input$apt, lon] else 0,
lat = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) dt_apt[icao == input$apt, lat] else 50,
zoom = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) 6 else 3
) |>
addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap") |>
# clearMarkers() |>
leaflet(data = dt_map()) |>

# ==== 2.4 Listen for changes to filtered data ====

# Update the color palette
pal <- colorBin(
palette = "plasma",
domain = dt_map()[, get(input$key)],
reverse = TRUE
# Update the map
leafletProxy("map", data = dt_map()) |>
data = dt_map(),
lng = dt_apt[icao == icao, lon],
lat = dt_apt[icao == icao, lat],
radius = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) 10L else 5L,
color = "black",
stroke = TRUE,
weight = .75,
fill = TRUE,
fillColor = "#2780E3",
fillOpacity = .75
lng = ~lon,
lat = ~lat,
layerId = ~icao,
radius = 5L,
color = "black",
stroke = TRUE,
weight = .75,
fillColor = ~pal(get(input$key)),
fillOpacity = .8,
label = ~paste(name, " (", iata, "/", icao, "): ", sprintf(fmt = "%.2f", get(input$key)), choices$units[[input$var]], sep = ""),
labelOptions = labelOptions(textsize = "12px"),
) |>
clearControls() |>
position = "bottomleft",
pal = pal,
values = ~get(input$key),
title = paste("Values in", choices$units[[input$var]], sep = " "),
labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = ""),
opacity = 1

# Update the map

# ==== 2.5 Listen for airport dropdown selection ====

if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) {
leafletProxy("map") |>
flyTo(lng = dt_map()[icao == input$apt, lon], lat = dt_map()[icao == input$apt, lat], zoom = 14) |>
addPopups(lng = dt_map()[icao == input$apt, lon], lat = dt_map()[icao == input$apt, lat] + 0.001, popup = dt_map()[icao == input$apt, popup])
} else {
leafletProxy("map") |>
flyTo(lng = 0, lat = 0, zoom = 2) |>

# ==== 2.6 Listen for clicks on map markers ====

# Update the selectInput dropdown to match the clicked airport and trigger that action
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "apt", selected = input$map_marker_click$id)


# ==== 2.6 For debugging only ====

leafletProxy("map", data = dt_map()) |>
# addCircleMarkers(
# # Return all coordinates or just the ones of the selected airport
# # lng = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) dt_apt[icao == input$apt, lon] else dt_apt[icao == icao, lon],
# # lat = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) dt_apt[icao == input$apt, lat] else dt_apt[icao == icao, lat],
# lng = dt_apt[icao == icao, lon],
# lat = dt_apt[icao == icao, lat],
# radius = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) 10L else 5L,
# # Set the dot color to be either the absolute temperature or the temperature difference since 2015
# color = "black",
# stroke = TRUE,
# weight = .75,
# fill = TRUE,
# # fillColor = pal(dt_cli[icao == icao & ssp == input$ssp & var == input$var & year == input$year, get(paste(input$key, input$stat, sep = "_"))]),
# # fillColor = ~dt_pal(),
# fillOpacity = if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) 1L else .8,
# # Tooltip
# popupOptions(keepInView = TRUE, closeOnClick = NULL),
# popup = paste(
# if(input$apt %in% dt_apt[, icao]) {
# paste("<b>", dt_apt[icao == input$apt, name], " (", dt_apt[icao == input$apt, iata], "/", dt_apt[icao == input$apt, icao], ")", "</b></br>", sep = "")
# } else {
# paste("<b>", dt_apt[icao == icao, name], " (", dt_apt[icao == icao, iata], "/", dt_apt[icao == icao, icao], ")", "</b></br>", sep = "")
# },
# # Statistic
# names(choices$stat[choices$stat == input$stat]),
# # Variable
# tolower(names(choices$var[choices$var == input$var])),
# # Year
# "in", input$year, "under",
# # SSP
# substr(x = toupper(input$ssp), start = 1, stop = 4), "is",
# # Absolute temperature
# sprintf(fmt = "%.2f", dt_map()[icao == icao & year == input$year, get(paste("abs", input$stat, sep = "_"))]), "°C",
# # Temperature difference
# if(input$year > 2015) paste(" (", sprintf(fmt = "%+.2f", dt_map()[icao == icao & year == input$year, get(paste("dif", input$stat, sep = "_"))]), "°C since 2015).", sep = "") else ".",
# sep = " "
# )

# For debugging only
output$apt <- renderText(input$apt)
output$ssp <- renderText(input$ssp)
output$var <- renderText(input$var)
output$stat <- renderText(input$stat)
output$key <- renderText(input$key)
output$year <- renderText(input$year)
output$table <- DT::renderDT(dt_map())

output$range <- renderText(range(dt_map()[, get(input$key)]))


# Run the app
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Empty file.

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