Please do not edit existing prefabs and scripts. These are used as is in the live game. If you want to change a Prefab then save it as a Prefab variation and if you want to edit a script I suggest to create a copy of the existing and update the prefab variation with your modified script.
Keep your content tidy, create a subfolder in Community-Content with your name and put all your work in there.
- Unity 2020.1.0b2
- ProBuilder
- ProGrids
- Download the project
- Open the folder Incubus inside the project with unity
- Set the game aspect ratio to 16:9
- Open Getting-Started.unity and press play, this might take a while
The getting started scene(s) already contain most of the systems from the main game. There is a folder Community-Content/Prefabs where you can copy prefabs from to your scene. You can peak into the Getting-Started scene to see how they are setup.
- Player Controller
- Dynamic Level Loading
- Rotating Elements
- Elevator
- Shooting Enemy
- Manipulation areas
- Spawnpoints and death trigger