(to be co-designed by students)
Introduction, individual contract design, class structure and activities, future search Electricity Safety and Basics, Multimeter, LED test, GitHub introduction
- Monday 1/6
- Tuesday 1/7
- Thursday 1/9
- facilitated by Will
Existing farm data in Excel spreadsheets Single-Board Computers, What is an API, What is a backend How do we order parts? Can we still add parts?
Monday 1/13
Tuesday 1/14
- facilitated by Austin
- (1 hour) activity led by Sean on how to use the golang API
Thursday 1/16
Internet access, wireless routers or over powerlines
- Monday 1/20
- Tuesday 1/21
- Week 03 Thursday 1/23
Parts planning; where to store securely; how to check out; release forms. Tracking
Drafting; how to draw 2D representations in CAD using sketchup.
(You may choose to use Fusion 360, FreeCad, OpenSCAD, or similar if you know them)
- Monday 1/27
- Potluck, user
- Tuesday 1/28
- Will teach a 30 minute activity on 3D CAD design or 3D printing
- Thursday 1/30
- Daniel Kerry, background in glass arts and also building Voron 3D printers
Discuss some security considerations about current hardware purchases.
Did Marshal Urist talk happen, hosted by Jedidiah Haney ?
Data mode
- Monday 2/3
- Tuesday 2/4
- Thursday 2/6
- New scale design
- Facilitated by Ocean Greens
Planning, learning goals for Ocean Greens field trip.
Organic Farm site visit hosted by Ben Hunsdorfer and Principles of Farming (POF) program.
- Monday 2/10
- Tuesday 2/11
- Daniel Kerry graciously agrees to facilitate.
- Thursday 2/13
- Dawson graciously agrees to facilitate.
- 1-2pm Meeting to discuss the student project for Farm automation. Specifically to discuss the implmentations for network connectivity, support from OIT, and other input from IT Subject Matter Experts.
See Paul for suggestions about your presentations and scheduling a time.
Work on maintenance / governance plan for IT department.
Maintenance: give what we've built or plan to build, what are likely failure modes and how to work around them?
Failure doesn't have to mean dangerous situations like shorting power-to-ground and blowing out circuit breakers, although it can.
Failure could be governance risk: what happens if one quarter, there are no students interested in continuing an SOS?
Failure could be documentation risk: what happens when no one remembers how a particular part or subsystem works?
Monday 2/17
- In-person Potluck cancelled, President's Day Holiday
- Monday 2/24
- Instead of potluck, Field trip to Ocean Greens automated greenhouse, need to finalize vans rental
- Invite POF students, Ben Hunsdorfer, farm manager and staff
- Tuesday 2/25
- Discussion (Paul will facilitate)
- 1:30pm Will Wiencken, how to change LED on PCC sign
- 2:05pm Work on writing
- Thursday 2/27
- 2-4pm Charette for Steve Scheurell's Edible Campus program, SEM II B 1107
- We'll walk down together
- Those we have to leave at 3pm (our normal class time) can leave then.
- 2-4pm Charette for Steve Scheurell's Edible Campus program, SEM II B 1107
Estimated arrival of parts, sorting and cataloguing.
March 1st deadline for summer financial aid.
- Will work with a facilitator
- This the next potluck
- Leif leads a 30 minute activity on composter
- Paul leads a 30 minute activity on lifting a hexapod robot leg
- Tentative reschedule Marshall Urist hosted by Jed Haney, on wash station, timelines, overall integration of our hardware
- Will work with a facilitator
- Hayden leads a 30 minute activity on any of the following: gORM, authentication considerations, representing seeds in data
- Will work with a facilitator
- Dani speaks for 30 minutes, leads 30m activity on data analytics or dashboard (1 hour)
Final project presentation.
- Monday 3/10
- Tuesday 3/11
- Jed leads a 30 minute activity on management units, or CSA business
- Thursday 3/13
- Final Team Presentations in Zoom Breakout Rooms