A Deluge script for uploading files to a file upload field in Zoho CRM.
To upload files to a file upload field in Zoho CRM via Deluge, you need to download the files, set the "paramname" parameter as "file" to them, upload them to ZFS via invokeURL, organize the data and update the CRM record. Here's the tutorial and sample code.
Zoho OAuth scopes needed:
- ZohoCRM.files.CREATE
- ZohoCRM.modules.ALL
First, you need to download the file in your Deluge script. Your file can be from Zoho CRM attachments, WorkDrive, or any other places. Here's a sample script if you're getting the attachment from a CRM Deal record (assuming there's only 1 attachment there).
att = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Attachments", "Deals", dealid);
file = invokeurl
url: "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/Deals/" + dealid + "/Attachments/" + att.get(0).get("id")
type: GET
info file;
Then, apply "setParamname("file") on the file variable.
- The "setParamName" built-in function is used to set the specified name for the file object that needs to be sent in multipart form-data using invokeUrl later.
Before updating the file to the file uplaod field on CRM, we first need to upload it to ZFS. Then, get the file ID.
resp = invokeurl
url: " https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/files"
type: POST
files: file
connection: "crm_oauth_connection"
fileid = resp.get("data").get(0).get("details").get("id");
You now have everything you need for the update. Just organize the data, and update the field!
- Put the file ID in a map with "file_id" as the key
- Put that map in a list
- Put the the list in your update map with the field name as the key
- Run the update with the usual Deluge update task.
fmp = Map();
fileList = List();
mp = Map();
update = zoho.crm.updateRecord("Deals", dealid, mp);
info update;
Note: You can attach more than one file to a file upload field. Just add to the "fileList" variable accordingly.