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Add (helios-base#19)
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* fix cmake configurations.

* replace CheckSymbolExists with CheckCXXSymbolExists

* fix a cmake problem. add a missing header file.

* デフォルトのインストール先を~/localへ変更

* formationファイルフォーマットv2のパーサを復帰 (helios-base#13)

* support a large value of synch_see_offset (helios-base#15)

* SeeState::canChangeViewToをcanSendChangeViewへリネーム.スタイルを一部修正.

* コード整理

* synch_see時の最大待ち時間を79msから30msへ変更

* TimeStampに<,>演算子を追加

* synch_see_offsetが大きい場合に部分的に対応。seeのタイミングを正確に判断するためにTimeStampを導入

Co-authored-by: Hidehisa Akiyama <[email protected]>

* replace some implementations with C++11/14  (helios-base#16)

* replace deprecated function adapters with lamda expressions

* 一部を範囲for文へ置き換え

* 一部を範囲for文、nullptrへ置換。

* 行動クラス群を範囲for文へ置換

* ann内の実装を範囲for文で置換

* clang内の実装を範囲for文で置換

* coach内の実装を範囲for文へ置換

* 範囲for文でiteratorを整理

* BallObjectの代入演算子を追加し、defaultとして定義

* boostのスマートポインタ、cstdintを標準へ置換

* boost::randomをstd::randomへ置換

* コンストラクタ・デストラクタのdefault,deleteを設定

* 自己位置推定の冗長コードを整理し、サンプリング動作を確認

* 一部のpush_backをemplace_backへ置き換え

* ヌルポインタとしての0キャストをnullptrへ置き換え

* 一部のstd::mapをstd::unordered_mapへ置き換え

* 一部のlexical_castを標準の変換関数へ置き換え

* 時間計測関係をstd::chronoで再実装

* TimeStamp::msecFromをelapsedSinceへリネーム

* 未使用のフォーメーションクラスをobsoleteへ移動

* 未使用コードを削除

* 一部の仮想メンバ関数にoverrideキーワードを追加

* add

* add .clang-format

Co-authored-by: Hidehisa Akiyama <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
hidehisaakiyama and hidehisaakiyama authored Feb 28, 2022
1 parent bf71940 commit 9aa84d5
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Showing 2 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@

# Librcsc

librcsc is a basic library to develop a simulated soccer team and related tools for the RoboCup Soccer Simulation.
All programs can work with rcssserver-16.

- The RoboCup Soccer Simulator:
- RoboCup Official Homepage:

## Quick Start

The latest librcsc depends on the following libraries:
- Boost 1.38 or later
- (optional) Doxygen
- (optional) Graphviz

In the case of Ubuntu 16.04 or later, execute the following commands for installing a basic development environment:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential libboost-all-dev autoconf automake libtool

To build the library, execute commands from the root of source directory:
./configure --disable-unit-test

Once successfully built, you can install the library file and header files to the default installation directory (``/usr/local``):
sudo make install
It is recommended to change the installation directory to the under of your home directory.
See the next section in detail.

You can generate documetation files using Doxygen and Graphviz.
sudo apt install doxygen graphviz
make doc

## Configuring

If you do not have an administration privilege, you may need to install the library under your home directory and configure some environment variables.
You can change the installation directory by passing ``--prefix`` option to the configure script:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/installation
For example, if you'd like to install under the ``~/local``, type the following:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local

See `./configure --help` for other options.

### Configuring Environment Variables

``~/local`` is supported by the configure script of helios-base, soccerwindow2, fedit2 by default.
However, if you change the installation directory, you need to modify the followng two environment variables:

- ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` (in ``~/.bashrc``)
- ``PATH`` (in ``~/.profile``)

The following instructions assume that librcsc was installed under ``~/local``.

Add the following lines at the end of ``~/.bashrc``:
This setting is enabled by opening a new terminal or executing ``source ~/.bashrc``.

You can find the existing ``PATH`` variable at the end of ``~/.profile``.
Add the following at the end of the file, then log out and log in again.

## Uninstall

librcsc can also be easily removed by entering the distribution directory and running:
make uninstall
This will remove all the files that where installed, but not any directories that were created during the installation process.

## References

- Hidehisa Akiyama, Tomoharu Nakashima, HELIOS Base: An Open Source Package for the RoboCup Soccer 2D Simulation, In Sven Behnke, Manuela Veloso, Arnoud Visser, and Rong Xiong editors, RoboCup2013: Robot World XVII, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2014.
- Hidehisa Akiyama, Itsuki Noda, Multi-Agent Positioning Mechanism in the Dynamic Environment, In Ubbo Visser, Fernando Ribeiro, Takeshi Ohashi, and Frank Dellaert, editors, RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5001, Springer, pp.377-384, July 2008.

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