This lorenz_attractor.c
script uses the Lorenz chaotic system of differential equations to generate chaotic behavior and visualizes the trajectory of multiple points in 3D space using Gnuplot
To compile the code you need a C
compiler, in my case I used CC.
To run the code use the MakeFile:
make run
to compile and run the codemake clean
to clean all the executable and compile file
This is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Define variables
double t, T, deltat;
double *x, *y, *z, *x1, *y1, *z1; // Arrays for coordinates
FILE *gp; // File pointer for gnuplot
double s, b, r; // Constants for the Lorenz system
double vis; // Visualization interval
int M; // Number of points
int k; // Loop variable
double err; // Initial Error
// Set the constants and parameters
s = 10; // Sigma
b = 8. / 3; // Beta
r = 28; // Rho
deltat = 0.01; // Integration dt
T = 30; // Final time integration
vis = .1; // Visualization window
M = 1000; // Numer of different starting points
err = 1e-2; // Random starting points differences
// Allocate memory for arrays
x = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
y = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
z = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
x1 = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
y1 = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
z1 = calloc(M, sizeof(double));
// Initialize the coordinates randomly with some error
for (k = 0; k < M; k++)
x[k] = 1 + (drand48() - 0.5) * err;
y[k] = 1 + (drand48() - 0.5) * err;
z[k] = 1 + (drand48() - 0.5) * err;
// Open a pipe to gnuplot for real-time visualization
gp = popen("gnuplot", "w");
fprintf(gp, "set xrange [-30:30]\n");
fprintf(gp, "set yrange [-30:30]\n");
fprintf(gp, "set zrange [0:50]\n");
// Time integration loop for the Lorenz system
for (t = 0; t < T; t += deltat)
for (k = 0; k < M; k++)
// Update coordinates using the Lorenz equations
x1[k] = x[k] + s * (y[k] - x[k]) * deltat;
y1[k] = y[k] + (x[k] * (r - z[k]) - y[k]) * deltat;
z1[k] = z[k] + (x[k] * y[k] - b * z[k]) * deltat;
x[k] = x1[k];
y[k] = y1[k];
z[k] = z1[k];
// Visualization at regular intervals
if (fmod(t, vis) < deltat)
fprintf(gp, "splot '-' w p pt 7 ps .2\n");
for (k = 0; k < M; k++)
fprintf(gp, "%f %f %f\n", x[k], y[k], z[k]);
fprintf(gp, "end\n");
// Wait for user input before closing the gnuplot window
// Close the gnuplot pipe