experimenting with two SX1278 on 433 MHz. One is driven by an Arduino UNO. The data lines are 5V-tolerant. The SX1278 can be supplied with 3.3 V from the UNO. It can deliver sufficient power to run the Module at full power (130 mA).
Full power is rarely necessary due to the great link-budget LoRa does offer.
One SX1278 is connected to a SEEEDUINO XIAO which come natively with 3.3 V. Connections to the Arduino boards are in the programme_headers and:
3,3 V ...... 3,3 V .... 3,3 V
Gnd ...... Gnd .... Gnd
NSS ...... D10 .... D1
DIO0 ...... D2 .... D2
SCK ...... D13 .... SCK
MISO ...... D12 .... MISO
MOSI ...... D11 .... MOSI
RST ...... D9 .... D3
Please install (prior compilation) the followwing Libraries.
Use the Arduino Library Manager (Sketch->Include Library->Library Manager or "<shift> <cntl> i
" ):
Library | Used In | Installation Source and Version |
"LoRa" | Rx, Tx | written by "Sundeep Mistry"; version 0.8.0 or higher |
"U8g2" | Rx | written by "oliver"; version 2.28.10 or higher |
- integrate all LoRa-Functions into programm
- use FSK to identify Transmission