Releases: TownyAdvanced/Towny
Releases · TownyAdvanced/Towny for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Continue != break, courtesy of creatorfromhell with PR #3690.
- Changed message shown at the end of the new day to print in the log regardless of debug mode being true.
- Remove LECTERN from the protections.switch_ids list in the config.
- This will make it possible for players to read books on lecterns without having switch perms.
- Players will still be unable to take the book (unless they have destroy permissions in the plot.)
- QOL interface changes/redundancy removal, courtesy of Siris with PR #3677.
- Readd economy lookups for town and nation banks, deprecated.
- Readd pay() and collect() to Towns and Nations, deprecated, courtesy of Siris with PR #3697.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Fix for revoking town invites on a player not actually revoking the invite.
- Fix for single-town nations when the winner_takes_ownership_of_town is true.
- Closes #3678.
- Fix for eventwar war participants message using two lines when it ought to only use one.
- Added TownyMessaging.sendPlainGlobalMessage() which doesn't use the [Towny] prefix.
- Fix eventwar wars that don't start properly leaving remainders in the warringsTowns and warringNations.
- French.yml updated by Mitsu13Ion with PR #3680.
- Fix null response when sending an invite to an offline player.
- Add permission nodes to /t list by x and /n list by x commands.
- You can negate the new child nodes to limit which ways players are allowed to sort towns.
- New Permission Nodes: Child nodes of towny.command.nation.list, no townyperms.yml update required.
- towny.command.nation.list.residents
- towny.command.nation.list.towns
- towny.command.nation.list.balance
- towny.command.nation.list.townblocks
- New Permission Nodes: Child nodes of, no townyperms.yml update required.
- Fix lag caused by /t list and /n list.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Fix towny.admin players being limited by pvp cooldown timer.
- Fix town/nation permissions missing on the /plot perm hud scoreboard.
- Fix NPE shown when player is using /plot perm hud, but has another plugin's scoreboard show up.
- Fix missing town/nation key values on /plot perm hud.
- Fix missing townblock type on /plot perm hud.
- Fix /n new name with out underscores not parsing spaces into underscores.
- New Command: /townyadmin nation new {name} {capital}
- Creates a nation for the specified town.
- Does not charge the town money.
- New Permission Node:
- Allows the use of the /ta nation new {name} {capital} command.
- Pom updates for javadocs courtesy of FlagCourier with PR #3672.
- Eco backend refactor courtesy of Siris with PR #3663.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Javadocs fixed courtesy of TheFlagCourier with PR #3655.
- Github Actions workflow adjustment courtesy of TheFlagCourier with PR #3654.
- Fix /ta rename not passing on NPC status to residents.
- Fix /plot set perm showing the opposite PVP setting in its final output.
- Update logger, courtesy of ArticDive/Siris with PR #3664.
- Fix /ta town {townname} {command} not showing anything helpful when the {command} used is not a valid command.
- Closes #3667.
- Fix ranks not being capitalized on /res, /town and /nation screens.
- Closes #3669.
- Added StringMgmt.capitalize();
- Fix 'msg_modes_set' in ResidentCommand not being used for translation, courtesy of TheFlagCourier with PR #3658.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
We are now in the fixes-only phase ahead of the release.
If you are on anything newer than and you use 1.14.* or 1.15.* you should be updating to this build. We need to have as many bugs found and fixed as possible before we put out the next major release.
Thank you.
- PT-BR.yml updated by BannerGames with PR #3647.
- Fix successful message when economy.new_expand.price_claim_townblock_refund is set to a negative value.
- Korean.yml updated by wolfwork with PR #3651.
- Fix for town invites from nation, courtesy of Siris with PR #3653.
- Fix no message being shown when an invalid subcommand of "/plot group" is used.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- API: Added TownPreUnclaimEvent
- Useful for getting the TownBlock object that will be unclaimed.
- Cancellable but probably not a good idea.
- Missing apostrophe in error message fixed by Deuphic with PR #3645.
- Fix Null message when plots were claimed/unclaimed.
- Bump language files to 0.71
- Fix error message for the /plot fs when used on a plot group.
- Fix being false-positive shown when using /plot nfs on a plot group.
- Fix error shown in console when entering a plot that is for sale but is not part of a plot group.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor. for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Fix message shown when a player tries to set their nation spawn in the wilderness.
- Closes #3640.
- Fix for not running on Craftbukkit servers.
- Courtesy of Siris with PR #3642.
- Fix for trees and mushrooms growing into plots they shouldn't.
- Closes #3641.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Fix NPE when '/plot group add' was used without any name, courtesy of Siris with PR #3630.
- Language files bumped to 0.70.
- Pom and pom_deb updates by TheFlagCourier with PR #3632.
- Javadocs should only build on the install phase.
- Github actions should again function properly.
- Change to saving for plotgroups on flatfile, removing now-redundant world.
- Already-made plot groups should load properly and save without a world.
- Improve debug messaging on flatfile database load.
- Fix plot groups whose town doesn't exist anymore causing safe mode.
- Fix edge-case scenario where revoking invites couldn't be done because we were matching the wrong player.
- Closes #3635.
- Fix french.yml not parsing.
- Confirmations can now be accepted/declined/confirmed/cancelled by clicking on the text if you use Spigot.
- New Config Option: notification.notifications_appear_in_action_bar
- default: true
- This setting only applies to servers running spigot, paper or bungeecord.
- On servers using craftbukkit.jar the notifications will always appear in the chat.
- When set to false the notifications will appear in the chat rather than the action bar.
- Closes #3636.
- Translated cannot-kick-that-resident strings.
- Create ResidentUtil for resident-related methods.
- TownyPermission data rewritten to a 2d boolean array, courtesy of Silverwolfg11 with PR #3600.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor for 1.14.*/1.15.*
If you are using you should update to this immediately.
- Changed required permission node for using /ta from towny.admin to towny.command.townyadmin
- Fixes scenario where an admin has other /townyadmin permission nodes but not towny.admin.
- New Permission Node: towny.command.townyadmin
- Used to view the /townyadmin screen.
- Gateway permission node to all other townyadmin sub-commands
- Child node of towny.command.townyadmin.*
- Fix bug with /plot group set {plottype}
- Disallowed the use of /plot group set jail, jails can only be set before grouping.
- Language files bumped to 0.69.
- Fix plot groups not loading after server stop and start.
- Fix for spawners not reverting properly courtesy of Siris with PR #3629.
- Closes #3627.
If you want to support the developer consider becoming a sponsor for 1.14.*/1.15.*
- Placeholder added: %townyadvanced_nation_tag_town_formatted%
- Shows the nation tag and the full town name.
- If nation tag is not set, only the town name is shown.
- should be added to the default nation rank.
- adding this will mean that when the config's global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn_travel_ally will work properly when set to true.
- Update Reserve API, courtesy of thecreatorfromhell, with PR #3612.
- Make sure world is properly handled when a town renames itself.
- Fix renaming towns which have 0 plot groups.
- Closes #3626.