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Releases: TownyAdvanced/Towny for 1.14

23 Oct 14:03
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
Pre-release for 1.14

22 Oct 15:55
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • Fix missing placeholder %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% not actually existing.
  • Fix world explosion setting not allowing explosions to damage animals, armorstands, itemframes and endercrystals in the wilderness when they ought be exploded.
  • Solve townless townblocks causing safemode instead of being deleted.
    • Actually deletes the townblock file now too.
    • Closes ticket #3336
  • Change to default config: war.disallow_one_way_alliance
    • Now defaults to true.
    • One-way alliances are discouraged, and eventually may be done away with entirely in order to better facilitate new features and war updates.
  • New Permission Node: towny.command.nation.deposit.other
    • Allows a nation member to deposit money into the townbank of a nation member.
    • Is NOT a child node of towny.command.nation.deposit or towny.command.nation.*
    • add towny.command.nation.deposit.other to the king and nation assistant ranks.
  • New Command: /n deposit {amount} {townname}
    • Requires towny.command.nation.deposit.other
    • Lets a nation member deposit money into a town bank of a town that is part of their nation.
    • Closes ticket #1953
  • Language files bumped to 0.57.
  • Fix bad grammar possible to be seen on /t join command.
  • Fix Tridents with Channeling that causes lightning strikes to harm animals, item frames and armor stands.
  • Add Villagers to list of things we protect from damage.
  • Protect pigs from being zapped by lightning where explosions shouldn't happen.
  • New Config Options:
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_commercial
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_arena
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_embassy
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_wilds
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_inn
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_jail
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_farm
    • economy.plot_type_costs.set_bank
    • All default to a cost of 0.
    • Set cost higher to charge person for changing their plot to the desired type.
  • Changed Command: /towny prices
    • Now displays costs of setting plot types.
  • Added ability to set costs for all plot types using /plot set {type}.
    • Money charged goes to the Server Account.
  • New Config Option: invite_system.maximum_distance_from_town_spawn
    • Default: 0
    • When set above 0, the maximum distance a player can be from a town's spawn in order to receive an invite.
    • Use this setting to require players to be near or inside a town before they can be invited.
    • Closes ticket #3089

Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.14

19 Oct 15:45
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • More PAPI placeholders:
    • %townyadvanced_town_residents_amount% - number of residents in a town.
    • %townyadvanced_town_residents_online% - number of residents in a town that are currently online.
    • %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_used% - number of townblocks claimed by a resident's town.
    • %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_bought% - number of townblocks bought by a resident's town.
    • %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_bonus% - number of bonus blocks given to a resident's town.
    • %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_maximum% - number of townblocks a town has available to claim.
    • %townyadvanced_town_townblocks_natural_maximum% - number of townblocks a town has available to claim, not counting bonus/bought townblocks.
    • %townyadvanced_town_mayor% - a resident's town's mayor's name.
    • %townyadvanced_nation_king% - a resident's nation's king's name.
    • %townyadvanced_resident_friends_amount% - number of friends a resident has.
    • %townyadvanced_nation_residents_amount% - number of residents in a resident's nation.
    • %townyadvanced_nation_residents_online% - number of residents in a resident's nation that are currently online.
    • %townyadvanced_nation_capital% - name of a resident's nation's capital.
    • Closes ticket #3446
  • Make /t rank add|remove {name} {rank} not care about case sensitivity.
  • New Config Option: economy.daily_taxes.town_plotbased_upkeep_minimum_amount
    • default: 0.0
    • If set to any amount over zero, if a town's plot-based upkeep totals less than this value, the town will pay the minimum instead.
    • Closes Ticket #664
  • API: new event added - NewDayEvent
    • has gettable lists of fallen towns and nations, total town and nation upkeeps collected, time at which the event happened.
    • Closes ticket #3323
  • New Perm Levels: Town & Nation
    • On player-owned plots the perm line now has Town added to it.
      • Build/Destroy/Switch/ItemUse can be set for friends/townmembers/allies/outsiders.
      • Allies consists of nation-members and nation-allies.
    • On town-owned plots the perm line now has Nation added to it.
      • Build/Destroy/Switch/ItemUse can be set for residents/nationmembers/allies/outsiders.
      • Allies consists of nation-allies.
    • Closes ticket #3241
  • New Config Options:
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    •, default false
    • These are used to set the default perm values for new plots.
  • Language files bumped to 0.56.
  • Fix being unable to toggle debug mode in-game, courtesy of Articdive
  • The german.yml has been updated to 0.56 by Sprugente.

Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.13.2

15 Oct 16:33
Choose a tag to compare

Towny Advanced

Release contains:

  • Towny for 1.13.2
  • TownyChat 0.58
  • TownyNameUpdater 4.0


    • Add towny.command.nation.join to the mayor rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.


  • Make Towny more compatible with DungeonsXL's loading and unloading of worlds.
    • Prior to running this build any DXL worlds should be removed from the towny\data\worlds folder, and the towny\data\worlds.txt file.
    • Any DXL world that loads will have usingTowny=false, and not be saved by Towny.
  • Revert-on-unclaim feature rewrite for 1.14
    • This brings about the 4th version of the plot snapshot format used in the feature.
    • Should faithfully regenerate things to their pre-claimed state.
    • Still handles older version 3 snapshots but version 3 snapshots made on pre 1.13/1.14 builds will still not regenerate perfectly.
  • Add missing responses to successful uses of /ta town set.
  • Added confirmations to /ta town {townname} delete when used from the Console.
  • Added confirmations to /ta nation {nationname} delete when used from the Console.
  • Add clarity to config comments for the delete_old_residents option.
  • Add price increase percentage to /town buy bonus output.
  • Add decimals to price increase percentage for claiming townblocks seen in /towny prices.
  • Added townblocks and outpost claiming costs to the /towny prices screen. Shows cost increase when it is used.
  • Made the AdminEnabledPVP setting part of the saving and loading rather than being a temporary setting only accessible by other plugins.
  • Added PAPI Placeholders:
    - %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
    - %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
    - %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
    - %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
    - %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
    - %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)  
  • Change requirements for luring animals.

    • Old behaviour: Player had to be able to break dirt where the animal stood. Affected in towns and wilderness.
    • New behaviour: Player has to be able to break dirt where the animal stands. Affects only personally owned plots.
      • Town-owned plots are exempt. Wilderness is exempt.
  • Change upkeep messages for towns and nations to display fallen towns/nations in a much more condensed way.

  • Change town tax, plot tax, nation tax messages to display in a much more condensed way.

  • Removed some old BukkitTools.getMaterial(BlockID int) calls on the loading of worlds' ignoreID lists. These have been material lists for a long time, doubtful anyone is converting something that old anymore.

    • Long-term this gets us closer to removing the de.themoep.idconverter package.
    • Remaining spots include:
      • a deprecated permission node wilderness check.
      • a part of TownySettings that converts lists of blocksIDs to materials.
      • the PlotBlockData restoreNextBlock (which we have to keep around for a while longer.)
  • Removed underscores from showing in town and nations names in the following places: /t new, /t list, /n new, /n list, /n leave.

  • Remove a couple deprecated things from our VaultPermSource.

  • Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.

  • Remove deprecated war and perm hud code for undeprecated code.

  • API: Old API deprecated. See new API documentation:

  • API: Added nation.getNumTownBlocks();

    • Returns the number of townblocks owned by all the nation's towns.
  • API: Added nation.getKing().

  • API: Added ShopPlotUtil for shop plugins to use.

    • Contains helpful, easy-to-use tests.
  • API: Added getPlayer() to the API's TownPreClaimEvent so that plugin which cancel Towny claims can more easily inform the player why their claim is cancelled.

    • Suggestion by NorbiPeti.
  • API: add TownyAPI.getInstance().isTownyWorld()

    • Returns true when a world has usingTowny=true.
  • Major Database overhaul, courtesy of ArticDive.

    • Make TownySQLSource implement TownyDatabaseHandler directly
    • Make TownyUniverse a singleton, since there is only ever 1 instance of the class.
    • Take TownyUniverse out of the objects package and put it on root, (rename to TownyAPI?? or take out API methods into a new class called TownyAPI, also a singleton.), Deprecate the old version and make it forward to the new TownyUniverse.
    • Remove all calls to our own deprecated methods.
    • Slightly optimize the calls to our internal API.
  • The FileMgmt has seen a slight touch-up courtesy of Articdive.

    • Might be a fix for some servers who've been unable to update beyond without townblocks causing safemode.
  • The TownyLogger has been removed in favour of log4j.Logger, work done by Articdive.

  • The Towny project has now become Mavenized, courtesy of FlagCourier.

    • The previous build system used was Ant, which was in use from 2010-2019.
  • Update for signs and dyes, courtesy of TheFlagCourier.

  • New Feature: Embassy information on the /res screen, courtesy of SeruhioX.

    • "Embassies in {town(s)}" now shows in the /res screen for players that own embassies in other towns.

Language File Updates:

  • New Language File: chinese.yml courtesy of qsefthuopq.
  • New Language File: korean.yml translation by DayBreak365.
  • The german.yml has been updated by Sprugente.
  • Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
  • The following things can now be translated:
    • The "Added " when you add someone to your friendslist.
    • The "Not Registered" message show when the NotRegisteredException exception is called from failed commands.
  • The getFormattedResidents() format which has 3 colours can now have their colours set.
    • These are commonly seen in the /res screen for the friends list; the townranks in the /town screen; the nationranks in the /nationscreen, and probably other places where to show a list of residents.
    • The first colour is the start of the line, the second colour is the [#] section, the third colour is the list of resident names.
  • And many more...


  • Attempt #2 at silencing the AssignPermissions() error seen when DungeonsXL moves offline players out of dungeon worlds.
  • Work around solution for crossbows and fireworks until we can get the shooter of the firework via the Bukkit API.
    • If either explosions or PVP is disallowed where the victim is located, the damage will be cancelled.
  • Fix messages showing when unclaiming an area where nothing can be unclaimed.
  • Fix MYSQL servers not loading due to missing DB code for saving and loading of RegenList and SnapshotList.
  • Fix null locationCanExplode error seen since fireworks got handled in
  • Fix a missing permission check.
  • Fix for /nation status screen not properly showing nation spawn coordinates when nation is set to public.
  • Fix saving and loading of Cyrillic characters in Towns and Nations.
    • the regex in the config should probably have the following settings:
      • name_check_regex: ^[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9._[]-]*$
      • string_check_regex: ^[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9\s._[]#?!@$%^&*-,*(){}]*$
      • name_remove_regex: '[^а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]'
  • Fix edge-case issue with health regen task and players who've had their health negatively modified.
  • Fix for mysql servers not getting the new adminenabledpvp town column.
  • Fix config not making all the values required to have a working town-upkeep-overclaimed-penalty.
  • Potentially fix falling towns' plotsnapshots causing an Null Error on Townblocks (Ticket #3398)
    • Had to revert a previous fix for Exception spam that involves the now-unused RemoveManyTownblocks.
  • Fix outlaws from spawning into public towns who consider them an outlaw.
  • Fix outposts not charging the outpost cost in the config.
  • Fix removeOutpost console spam on servers that aren't limiting outposts anyways.
  • Fix string regex not containing a space, causing town and nation boards to not allow spaces.
  • Fix missing isOpen in nation mysql schema.
  • Fix possible NPE in Sh...
Read more for MC 1.14

14 Oct 19:21
Choose a tag to compare

Towny Advanced

Release contains:

  • Towny
  • TownyChat 0.57
  • TownyNameUpdater 4.0


  • REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: protection.item_use_ids
    • Stops players from using dyes on signs.
    • In THREE places of the config you must change the sign names. These places are:
      • new_world_settings.plot_management.block_delete.unclaim_delete
      • new_world_settings.plot_management.mayor_plotblock_delete.mayor_plot_delete
      • new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore
    • You will have to edit these sign names in your Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files as well.
  • REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: protections.switch_ids
  • REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore set to:
    • All existing Towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt files should have their plotManagementIgnoreIds lines also changed to the above.


    • Add towny.command.nation.join to the mayor rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.


  • Make Towny more compatible with DungeonsXL's loading and unloading of worlds.
    • Prior to running this build any DXL worlds should be removed from the towny\data\worlds folder, and the towny\data\worlds.txt file.
    • Any DXL world that loads will have usingTowny=false, and not be saved by Towny.
  • Revert-on-unclaim feature rewrite for 1.14
    • This brings about the 4th version of the plot snapshot format used in the feature.
    • Should faithfully regenerate things to their pre-claimed state.
    • Still handles older version 3 snapshots but version 3 snapshots made on pre 1.13/1.14 builds will still not regenerate perfectly.
  • Add missing responses to successful uses of /ta town set.
  • Added confirmations to /ta town {townname} delete when used from the Console.
  • Added confirmations to /ta nation {nationname} delete when used from the Console.
  • Add clarity to config comments for the delete_old_residents option.
  • Add price increase percentage to /town buy bonus output.
  • Add decimals to price increase percentage for claiming townblocks seen in /towny prices.
  • Added townblocks and outpost claiming costs to the /towny prices screen. Shows cost increase when it is used.
  • Made the AdminEnabledPVP setting part of the saving and loading rather than being a temporary setting only accessible by other plugins.
  • Add protection to books sitting in lecterns. These books can only be taken if the player can also break the lectern itself.
  • Added PAPI Placeholders:
    - %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
    - %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
    - %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
    - %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
    - %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
    - %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
    - %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
    - %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)  
  • Change requirements for luring animals.

    • Old behaviour: Player had to be able to break dirt where the animal stood. Affected in towns and wilderness.
    • New behaviour: Player has to be able to break dirt where the animal stands. Affects only personally owned plots.
      • Town-owned plots are exempt. Wilderness is exempt.
  • Change upkeep messages for towns and nations to display fallen towns/nations in a much more condensed way.

  • Change town tax, plot tax, nation tax messages to display in a much more condensed way.

  • Removed some old BukkitTools.getMaterial(BlockID int) calls on the loading of worlds' ignoreID lists. These have been material lists for a long time, doubtful anyone is converting something that old anymore.

    • Long-term this gets us closer to removing the de.themoep.idconverter package.
    • Remaining spots include:
      • a deprecated permission node wilderness check.
      • a part of TownySettings that converts lists of blocksIDs to materials.
      • the PlotBlockData restoreNextBlock (which we have to keep around for a while longer.)
  • Removed underscores from showing in town and nations names in the following places: /t new, /t list, /n new, /n list, /n leave.

  • Remove a couple deprecated things from our VaultPermSource.

  • Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.

  • Remove deprecated war and perm hud code for undeprecated code.

  • API: Old API deprecated. See new API documentation:

  • API: Added nation.getNumTownBlocks();

    • Returns the number of townblocks owned by all the nation's towns.
  • API: Added nation.getKing().

  • API: Added ShopPlotUtil for shop plugins to use.

    • Contains helpful, easy-to-use tests.
  • API: Added getPlayer() to the API's TownPreClaimEvent so that plugin which cancel Towny claims can more easily inform the player why their claim is cancelled.

    • Suggestion by NorbiPeti.
  • API: add TownyAPI.getInstance().isTownyWorld()

    • Returns true when a world has usingTowny=true.
  • Major Database overhaul, courtesy of ArticDive.

    • Make TownySQLSource implement TownyDatabaseHandler directly
    • Make TownyUniverse a singleton, since there is only ever 1 instance of the class.
    • Take TownyUniverse out of the objects package and put it on root, (rename to TownyAPI?? or take out API methods into a new class called TownyAPI, also a singleton.), Deprecate the old version and make it forward to the new TownyUniverse.
    • Remove all calls to our own deprecated methods.
    • Slightly optimize the calls to our internal API.
  • The FileMgmt has seen a slight touch-up courtesy of Articdive.

    • Might be a fix for some servers who've been unable to update beyond without townblocks causing safemode.
  • The TownyLogger has been removed in favour of log4j.Logger, work done by Articdive.

  • The Towny project has now become Mavenized, courtesy of FlagCourier.

    • The previous build system used was Ant, which was in use from 2010-2019.
  • Update for signs and dyes, courtesy of TheFlagCourier.

  • New Feature: Embassy information on the /res screen, courtesy of SeruhioX.

    • "Embassies in {town(s)}" now shows in the /res screen for players that own embassies in other towns.

Language File Updates:

  • New Language File: chinese.yml courtesy of qsefthuopq.
  • New Language File: korean.yml translation by DayBreak365.
  • The german.yml has been updated by Sprugente.
  • Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
  • The following things can now be translated:
    • The "Added " when you add someone to your friendslist.
    • The "Not Registered" message show when the NotRegisteredException exception is called from failed commands.
  • The getFormattedResidents() format which has 3 colours can now have their colours set.
    • These are commonly seen in the /res screen for the friends list; the townranks in the /town screen; the nationranks in the /nationscreen, and probably other places where to show a list of residents.
    • The first colour is the start of the line, the second colour is the [#] section, the third colour is the list of resident names.
  • And many more...


  • Attempt #2 at silencing the AssignPermissions() error seen when DungeonsXL moves offline players out of dungeon worlds.
  • Work around solution for crossbows and fireworks until we can get the shooter of the firework via the Bukkit API.
    • If ei...
Read more for 1.14

13 Oct 20:08
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
    • Add towny.command.nation.townlist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.allylist to the nomad rank.
    • Add towny.command.nation.enemylist to the nomad rank.
  • PAPI Placeholder Support:
    • New config options:
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.both
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.nation
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.nomad
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.resident
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.mayor
      • filters_colour_chat.papi_chat_formatting.ranks.king
    • Available tags:
      • %townyadvanced_town% - displays town name (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_town_formatted% - displays long-form town name (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_nation% - displays nation name (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_nation_formatted% - displays long-form nation name (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_town_balance% - displays town bank value.
      • %townyadvanced_nation_balance% - displays nation bank value.
      • %townyadvanced_town_tag% - displays town tag (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_town_tag_override% - displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name.
      • %townyadvanced_nation_tag% - displays nation tag (if they have one.)
      • %townyadvanced_nation_tag_override% - displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_tag% - displays town and nation tags.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_tag_override% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% - displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
      • %townyadvanced_title% - displays king-granted title.
      • %townyadvanced_surname% - displays king-granted surname.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_name_prefix% - displays mayor and king prefix.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_name_postfix% - displays mayor and king postfix.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_prefix% - displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_postfix% - displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes.
      • %townyadvanced_towny_colour% - used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)
Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.14

10 Oct 12:04
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • Fix r's and f's in the plot perm hud being reversed.
  • Fix r's and f's being reversed in set perm command outputs.
  • New Config Option: jail.blacklisted_commands
    • Default: home,spawn,teleport,tp,tpa,tphere,tpahere,back,dback,ptp,jump,kill,warp,suicide
    • Commands which a jailed player cannot use.
  • Language files bumped to 0.55
Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.14

08 Oct 20:27
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • Fix War events being fired async.
  • New Config Option: protection.mob_removal_skips_named_mobs
    • default: false
    • When set to true, mobs who've been named with a nametag will not be removed by the mob removal task.
  • Bump language files to 0.54
  • Made war starts message, war stats screen, and war hud translatable.
  • Fix world imports with MV.
  • Remove old MCStats Metrics because their website no longer collects data anyways.
Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.14

05 Oct 23:03
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • New Config Option: resident_settings.delete_old_residents.delete_only_townless
    • default: false
    • When true only residents who have no town will be deleted by the daily old-resident-purge.
  • Changed Command: /ta purge # {townless}
    • Using '/ta purge #ofDays townless' will now only purge old residents that are not part of any town.
    • Add LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX, to your protection.switch_ids list.
Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works for 1.14

02 Oct 13:32
Choose a tag to compare for 1.14 Pre-release
  • Change requirements for luring animals.
    • Old behaviour: Player had to be able to break dirt where the animal stood. Affected in towns and wilderness.
    • New behaviour: Player has to be able to break dirt where the animal stands. Affects only personally owned plots.
      • Town-owned plots are exempt. Wilderness is exempt.
  • API: add TownyAPI.getInstance().isTownyWorld()
    • Returns true when a world has usingTowny=true.
  • Fix changelog not displaying on startup when Towny is updated.
  • Undo removal of another bit of deprecated Vault code in TownyEconomyHandler.
  • Add missing responses to successful uses of /ta town set.
  • Add clarity to config comments for the delete_old_residents option.
  • Fix yaml in norwegian.yml.
Click Here for a full changelog

Towny Install Guide
Towny Permission Nodes
How Towny Works