This project is a simple restaurant management system built using Python's Tkinter library. It allows users to select items from a menu, specify quantities, enter customer details, calculate the total price, and generate bills.
- Menu with images: The system displays a menu with images of food items.
- Quantity selection: Users can select the quantity of each item they want to order.
- Customer details: Users can enter their name for billing purposes.
- Bill generation: The system calculates the total price based on the selected items and quantities and generates a bill with customer details and the current date and time.
- Saving bills: Users can save generated bills to a text file for record-keeping.
- Run the Python script.
- Select items from the menu and specify quantities.
- Enter customer details.
- Click on "Pay Bill" to generate the bill.
- Optionally, click on "Save Bill" to save the bill to a text file.
- To start a new bill, click on "New Bill".
: A custom Tkinter library for UI components.PIL
: Python Imaging Library for image handling.
- Ensure that all necessary dependencies are installed before running the script.
- This project can be extended further to include additional features such as order history, user authentication, etc.