This is a simple web based project developed with Flask, designed to encrypt and decrypt text using the Caesar cipher method. It provides an intuitive interface for users to easily encrypt or decrypt messages by entering the text and specifying the shift amount.
- Encryption: Convert plain text into encrypted text using a specified shift.
- Decryption: Convert encrypted text back to plain text using the original shift amount.
- Web Interface: Simple and user-friendly web interface for easy interaction.
To run this application, you will need Python and Flask installed on your system. Follow these steps to get started:
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the cloned repository directory
cd Cipher-basic
- Install the required Python packages
pip install flask
- Run the application
- Open your web browser usually it goes to '' to start using the app
To Encrypt Text: Choose 'Encrypt', enter your text and the shift amount, then click 'Submit'. The encrypted text will be displayed.
To Decrypt Text: Choose 'Decrypt', enter your encrypted text and the original shift amount, then click 'Submit'. The decrypted text will be displayed.
That's it enjoy