Machine Learning for Chest X-Ray Based Pneumonia Detection.
Files description: The dataset has inconsistent data distribution in validation and test directory. We took all the data, shufled them and then put them into directories after spliting 70%, 10%, 20% for train, val and test data. Visualizes data distribution and show some of the image datas. The file outputs normalized raw train, test, val data and labels. The input of the file will be the raw training data and it outputs training data after outliers removal. We do 2 steps outlierdetection. Step1: Z-score based, Step2: IQR based. The input of the file is train data outlier removal. it will enhance contrast, reduce noise and sharp the image data. This file does augmentation of the enhanced data after outlier removal. Generates 2 new augmented images for each training image. We will augmnet only the training data for training the model well.
Model files: Classifies the raw/augmenetd data or Extracted features for pneumonia detection. RESNET50 for classifying the raw/augmenetd data or Extracted features for pneumonia detection.
How to run: conda create -n myenv conda activate myenv conda install numpy opencv h5py matplotlib scikit-learn
source python3 model_file_name
conda deactivate