WARNING: Make sure you are using a DRC clean layout for this tutorial. While layouts with DRC errors might work, they also might not. It depends on the DRC error.
LVS will compare a layout with a netlist in SPICE (or CDL) format. CDL is "Cadence Description Language" and is essentially the same as SPICE. For more understanding of SPICE syntax, take a look at the SPICE tutorial.
After running LVS, you are presented with an option to import the SPICE netlist:
where you should select the SPICE netlist: sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1.spice
After this, the LVS options menu will appear:
Make sure to uncheck the "scale" option in the LVS dialog box. Sky130 uses an odd scale factor in the SPICE netlist of microns instead of meters. If you don't uncheck this, the transistor sizes won't match and your LVS will fail.
After running LVS, you will get a window with the results like this:
The "objects" in the netlist are pins (inputs and outputs), nets (connections in the netlist), and devices (transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc.). In this case, they are all green because they all match. The numbers by the nets and the pins are the number of objects that things are connected to. For example, net A is connected to the input pin A and the gate of both the PMOS and NMOS transistor.
If you select the "Netlist" tab in the browser, you can click on nets, pins, and devices and they will highlight in the layout window. For example, if you click on the "A" net, it will highlight the input pin A and the gate of the PMOS and NMOS. This includes all of the polysilicon and the licon and li shapes for the A input. Under "Configuration", you can also change the color and pattern of the highlighting if it is difficult to see.
If you run LVS on the inverter, for example, there will be a file created
called sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1_extracted.cir
which is the extracted spice
netlist and looks like the following:
* Extracted by KLayout with SKY130 LVS runset on : 17/12/2024 15:28
* cell sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1
* pin VPB
* pin A
* pin Y
* pin VPWR
* pin VGND
* pin sky130_gnd
.SUBCKT sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 VPB A Y VPWR VGND sky130_gnd
* device instance $1 r0 *1 0.675,1.985 sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt
M$1 VPWR A Y VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt L=150000 W=1000000 AS=230000000000
+ AD=260000000000 PS=2460000 PD=2520000
* device instance $2 r0 *1 0.675,0.56 sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8
M$2 VGND A Y sky130_gnd sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 L=150000 W=650000
+ AS=169000000000 AD=169000000000 PS=1820000 PD=1820000
.ENDS sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1
This SPICE follows the same SPICE syntax but is generated by analyzing layers in the layout. For example, poly overlapping diffusion creates a transistor, metal1 overlapping mcon connects to a net, etc. This extracted netlist is what gets compared to the "correct" netlist by the LVS tool.
Compare this to the SPICE netlist provided as the correct one:
* Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
* ...
.SUBCKT sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 A VGND VNB VPB VPWR Y
MMIN1 Y A VGND VNB sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.65u l=0.15u mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 area=0.063 perim=1.14
MMIP1 Y A VPWR VPB sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=1.0u l=0.15u mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 area=0.063 perim=1.14
.ENDS sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1
One thing to note is that, in the extracted netlist, the W and L are in units of "um" (microns) and not meters like standard SPICE. This is a caveat of the Sky130 technology files and is why we don't check the "scaled" LVS option.
Because the extracted netlist is from the layout, the net and device names do not need to match in LVS. In fact, the extracted layout names are randomly assigned. If you look at the extracted netlist you will see names like "$1" and devices like "M$2".
If you add text labels in the layout, the extraction tool will give the net that name. These labels need to be on the same layer as the shape and be contained in the shape boundary. For example, all the pins in our gates have labels like "A" and "Y" so they are given those names. Same thing with VPWR and VGND.
Pins, however, might need to match. This is usually a setting for the LVS tool.
Usually the hierarchy of a design will match. In other words, if you have a SUBCKT in your netlist, you will have a layout of that too. However, this isn't required! Sometimes, it might make sense to make an extra level of layout and copy that to make the layout easier. LVS should work even if the hierarchy doesn't match, but this depends somewhat on the LVS tool.
There are a few common LVS errors that you might encounter and becoming an experienced engineer
will help you solve some of these. LVS is notoriously hard to debug. I've made examples using a nand3
test case for a few of them. For all of the examples, use the correct sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1.spice
netlist. The layouts have errors in them that will cause LVS to (sometimes) fail.
You can first confirm that LVS matches the good layout sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1.gds
and you will see this:
Note that the nternal nets are named "$9" and "$10" in the layout but SNDA and SNDB in the reference netlist. The devices are named "$1" to "$5" in the layout but "MN1" to "MN3" and "MP1" to "MP3" in the reference netlist.
Each pin or net has a corresponding number after it which is how many things (pins or devices) something is connected to. For example, the "A" pin is connected to "$9" net is connected to 2 things: the drain of $5/MN1 and the source of $6/MN0. You can also see this in the devices area where the source of $6 is connected to $9 whereas the source of the corresponding MN0 in the reference netlist is connected to SNDA.
These numbers of connectiosn can help you diagnose where something is disconnected or short circuited!
This could be a floating net due to a missing contact or via, but it could also be a missing piece of metal that is supposed to connect two other pieces of metal. For example, a missing wire would mean that two transistors don't get connected. Often when you have metal that goes from a lower level to a higher level, you need a via and piece of metal (a "via stack") to connect them. This is usually hard to see since it is multiple overlapping shapes and can only be seen by changing the visibility (or using the 2.5D view in KLayout!). A disconnect can happy if a via or metal is missed at any level. Disconnected nets will usually result in an "extra" net since each half will count as its own net.
If you load the sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1-disconnected.gds
layout and run LVS, you should see the following:
In this case, the licon contacts for one device to the Y output are missing. While a lot of the circuit matches, the Y output in the layout has "(3)" device connections whereas the netlist has "(4)" device connections. This also causes the A input to mismatch since it is connected to the $6 transistor which is disconnected from the output. That is just a side effect though!
This is a common error where there is an inadvertent connection. This could be due to an extra via/contact or due to extra metal connecting two other pieces of metal. If it is wide enough and spacing rules are satisfied, it won't cause a DRC error!
If you load the sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1-short.gds
layout and run LVS, you should see the following:
In this example, pins A and B are connected together in the layout but not in the netlist. This is shown with "A,B (4)" in the layout whereas the reference netlist has "B(3)" and "A(3)", separated. Note that the only reason the layout knows it is "A,B" is because the layout has labels on the pins. This also causes some other mismatches, but again these are just side effects.
In this case, you might be entirely missing a device. This could be a missing transistor, resistor, or capacitor. These are usually among the easiest to debug.
In this case, the number of devices might match and even the number of pins and nets could match, but the devices will be flagged with a "parameter mismatch" due to the the W and L of the transistors not matching. Sometimes there will be a "tolerance" that allows some deviation, but usually sizes should match exactly. Sometimes, extraction will have other parameters like "m" (multiplicity) that will also need to match, but there are also sometimes options to configure how this should match parallel devices. Other extracted parameters like AS, AD, PS, PD, etc. are usually ignored by LVS but it could fail if they are not properly ignored.
If you load the layout sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1-parameter.gds
and run LVS, you should see the following:
Note that the PMOS device widths are 0.97um in the layout and 1.0um in the SPICE netlist. The NMOS match without an error. The L of all the devices is 0.15um. If you compare with the working nand3 layout, you will see that the bottom of the PMOS diffusion is moved up slightly and makes the width 0.97um for all three PMOS.
This one is a bit tricky since well and substrate taps are not always included in each cell. Our nand3 does not have an nwell tap or substrate tap. At the chip level, you will have your nwell connected and the pwell/substrate also connected. However, this is usually done by the "tap" cells during placement. At the cell level, there is usually a setting that tells LVS to connect the wells and/or substrate to a particular name for all devices. In our LVS settings, for example, there is the option to set the value of "lvs_sub" which is the substrate. All three NMOS devices end up having their body connected to "sky130_gnd". In the cell netlist, this is the "VNB" pin. But, remember, names don't have to match! The PMOS devices are all in the same nwell, so they are connected together automatically. If you drew separate nwells that didn't touch, they would not be connected electrically!
This is a common error where the pins in the layout don't match the pins in the netlist. Whether this is flagged as an error depends on the LVS tool settings.
If you load the sky130_fd_sc_hd_nand3_1-pin.gds
layout and run LVS, you should see the following:
In the example, the A and B pins are swapped but LVS correctly passes. However, notice that A in the layout matches with B in the netlist and vice versa: "A <-> B" and "B <-> A".
At higher levels, you might have a bus that is flipped. This is common when you mix up big-endian and little-endian. For example, if you have a 4-bit bus and the layout has the MSB on the left and the netlist has the MSB on the right, you can run into this problem.
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