Various makefiles I've developed over the years: two makefiles for building projects written in the C programming language and one for generating man pages from AsciiDoc files.
The two makefiles for C projects are
produces static and shared library files, while
produces an executable file.
These make targets are available:
Command | Result | Library | Executable |
make | Build the program/library | x | x |
make clean | Remove all build files | x | x |
make run | Execute the program | x | |
make build-static | Build only the static library | x | |
make build-shared | Build only the shared library | x |
Subdirectories of the top-level source directory containing code to be
compiled need to be listed in the SRC_SUBDIRS
For example, to compile files in src
, src/foo
and src/foo/bar
write the following:
SRC_DIR := src
SRC_SUBDIRS := foo foo/bar
By passing the TARGET=WINDOWS
argument to make, the makefiles will
produce output for Windows, provided that the appropriate cross-compiler
is installed.
makefile converts AsciiDoc files into man pages.
Similarly to the C makefiles, it supports source subdirectories.
I release these makefiles under the CC0 public domain license.