Apply cartoon effect to images using opencv with python
Different functions are used to apply cartoon effects and save the image
- : contains functions to upload the image file from a folder and save the cartoonified image to the same folder
- : used to apply cartoon effect on the selected images
Cartoon effect is applied using the following steps for an image (each image transition is plotted after final output) :
- Read the image using opencv
- Convert to gray scale and apply median blur to smoothen the image
- Retreive edges using adaptive threshold technique (efficient when detailed edges are required)
- Apply bilateral filter to RGB image (this ensures smoothness but edges remain sharp)
- Mask both filtered and edged images to obtain cartoon effect consists of the main code to initiate a tkinter event (dialog box) to uplaod the image (using easygui) and save the image to the original path
Libraries used: opencv,numpy,tkinter,PIL,easygui,imageio,matplotlib,os,sys (except easygui other libraries are in-built jupyter notebook)
*Sample images and their output is attached above