Here is a lab group project from Imperial College London Applied Machine Learning MsC
More to come
How to modify the address of the ToF:
Use this link:
Follow steps (i.e. pull up, pull down, etc.).
// Initialize the second sensor (Dev2) with a new address Dev2.platform.address = VL53L5CX_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS; // Temporarily use default address for initialization Dev2.platform.port = i2c_port;
uint16_t new_address2 = 0x20; // New I2C address for Dev2 //vl53l5cx_set_i2c_address(&Dev2, new_address2); //Dev2.platform.address = new_address2; // Update the address in the device configuration
Run the following code, then un-comment the bottom two linesm and comment the set_i2c_adresss and the Dev2.platform.adresss... etc. then run it again, et voila!