This issue is blocked due to arbitration concerns
This issue is blocked due to backend concerns
This issue is blocked due to dependencies concerns
This issue is blocked due to resources concerns
This issue is blocked due to external review concerns
This issue is blocked due to UX concerns
Request originating from a client's request
This issue requires to seek advice from the CTO
CTO's advice regarding this issue was collected
Request originating from the Customer Care team
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request isn't valuable enough
This issue or pull request already exists
This issue is a large body of work that can be broken down
This issue is related to the geofencing topic
Improvement of an existing feature or UX
This issue is related to the iOS platform
Request originating from the Marketing team
This shouldn't be merged yet (check dependences)
This issue could benefit from pair programming
This issues is ready for PO Review
Request originating from the Product team
This issue could be risky and require further discussions
This was presented during the sprint review