Releases: Woosmap/geofencing-ios-sdk
Releases · Woosmap/geofencing-ios-sdk
Airship and Geofence Integration
- Airship Integration: Track location data and generate contextual events using custom event types.
- Create and monitor geofences: Use region monitoring to determine when the user enters or leaves a geographic region.
Realm packaging
Merge pull request #28 from woosmap/dev/update_package_dependency Dev/update package dependency
- Get user location
- Detect POI around the user location via SearchAPI request
- Calculation Distance between positions via DistanceAPI request
- Enrich Notification with user location and POIs (Points of Interest)
- Create custom Region geofence and detect enter or exit transition
- Create POI Region geofence from a SearchAPI request
- Detect Visits (spending time at one place) of your users
- Detect Zone of Interest (cluster) of your users
- Classification of Zone of Interest (cluster)
- DataBase Realm inside the SDK
Classification enable
Merge pull request #12 from woosmap/dev/deletePOI-duration-delay Delete old POI data from a duration delay