Releases: Woosmap/geofencing-ios-sdk
Releases · Woosmap/geofencing-ios-sdk
[PATCH] Update ETA refresh algorithm
- Update ETA refresh algorithm.
Force ETA refresh when the user doesn't use the expected travel mode
New parameter to save API consumption and not force ETA refresh when the user doesn't use the expected travel.
Parameter name: optimizeDistanceRequest
Default value: true
Cleaned Region Identifier
- add attribut origin on Region Database object
- add identifier name cleared on Region Database object
Fix Wrapping Profil
- Fix Loading Profil wrapping
- Retro compatibility on AddRegion return value
Region Isochrone
- Check identifier Region isochrone already exist
- Fix update region isochrone if searchAPIdelegate don't exist
- Fix pipe in the distance API request
- Detect if the position is identical to the center of the region isochrone
- Delete region isochrone if response is on status failed for this region
Fix Region Wrapping
Fix crash on Region detection due of a force-unwrapping region object
Optimize Search API
- Add an algorithm that optimize Search API request consumption based on distance between user location, POI locations and POI radius.
Monitor Geofences isochrones
- Monitor geofences and trigger events based on duration data
Traffic Distance API
- Add Traffic Distance API provider for distance
- Configuration Distance parameter
- Fix radius type format from user_properties in the Json Response of SearchAPI
ContactKey to SFMC
Add ContactKey attribut in the data send to SFMC