This document aims to provide general guide to writing Verilog HDL. Basic section focus on grammar with common fallacies and pitfalls, while Advance section focus on style and common patterns.
We (students) use Verilog HDL to program FPGA. But it is necessary to know that Verilog is used in many other ways. Some tips are:
- It is hardware Description Language (HDL). So you'd better know what hardware module (deep into circuit) you want to build before writing Verilog code.
- It aims to replace schematic hardware description.
- It is heavily used on simulation and behavior verification.
- It is NOT C programming language. Do not think of software development when you are writing Verilog.
- It is NOT completely synthesizable (only part of it).
Attention: This chapter only contains Verilog grammar that is frequently used. Most "advanced grammar" is omitted.
Pay great attention to those bold words. It indicates place where mistakes usually happen.
A module is like a class in object oriented language. A simple module descripting a counter is like:
module counter(
input clk,
input reset,
output [31:0] cnt
reg [31:0] cnt_reg;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
cnt_reg <= 32'b0;
end else begin
cnt_reg <= cnt_reg + 1'b1;
assign cnt = cnt_reg;
The type of a module port can be input
, output
or inout
(rarely used, but couldn't be avoided in some cases).
Using a module is like instantiate a class:
module top(
input clk,
input reset
wire [31:0] cnt;
counter counter(
and reg
are two types that most commonly used.
: Physically a wire. Can not "hold" value. Must be continuously assigned.reg
: Not necessarily a register. Can "hold" value. Can be conditionaly assigned.
keyword is used when assigning a wire (outside of always block). The value is continuous assigned to the wire. It makes sense because a physical wire always has a value (either high or low).
(block assignment) and <=
(non-block assignment) operators are used when assign a reg.
- block assignment:
- evaluated and assgined in a single step.
- execution flow within the procedure is blocked until the assignment is blocked.
- usually used in combinational always block (Xilinx suggests never use block assignment in sequential logic even you can use them technically and the code sucessfully synthesizes)
Block assignment example:
module foo_logic(
input clk,
input a,
input b,
input c,
input sh
reg data;
// Though this varables is "reg" type, it is physically a wire.
// We type it as "reg" so that we can use it in an always block with "if" and "else" condition
reg data_in;
always @* begin
// provide default value
data_in = 1'b0;
if (a & ~sh) begin
data_in = 1'b1;
end else begin
if (~data & (c & sh))
data_in = 1'b1;
else if (data & (b & sh))
data_in = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
data <= data_in;
The diagram is:
The module can be writen without combinational always block as:
module foo_logic(
input clk,
input a,
input b,
input c,
input sh
// This is the only real register
reg data;
wire q = data;
wire notq = ~data;
wire anda;
wire andb;
wire andc;
wire andq;
wire andqbar;
wire orq;
wire data_in;
assign andc = c & sh;
assign andb = b & sh;
assign anda = a & ~sh;
assign andq = andb & q;
assign andqbar = andc & notq;
assign orq = andq | andqbar;
assign data_in = orq | anda;
always @(posedge clk) begin
data <= data_in;
- Non-block assignment: happens parallel
- evaluated and assigned in two steps:
- The right The right-hand side is evaluated immediately hand side is evaluated immediately.
- The assignment to the left-hand side is postponed until other evaluations in the current time step are completed.
- evaluated and assigned in two steps:
Non-block assignment example (swap value):
module flop(
input clk,
input reset
reg flop1;
reg flop2;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
flop1 <= 1'b0;
flop2 <= 1'b1;
end else begin
flop1 <= flop2;
flop2 <= flop1;
Tip: Always use block assignment in combinational logic (always @*
), and non-block assignment in sequential logic (always @(posedge clk)
- Logical:
- Bitwise:
- Reduction:
- Shift:
- Concatenation:
- Replication:
- Arithmetic:
- Division:
(Support only if second operand is a power of 2 or Both operands are constant) - Modulus:
(Support only if second operand is a power of 2) - Power:
(Support if both operands are constants or first operand is 2)
- Wire assignment:
assign aWire = (a == b) ? 1: 0;
- Always block:
if … else …
- Yes,
statement is only available inside always block. - If you want to use it to assign a wire, declare that wire as reg and use it inside a
always @*
- Yes,
- When a signal in sensitive list changes, the block content will be execute
- Two common usage:
always @*
: for combination logic*
equals to all the right hand variables inside that block or-ed together
always @(posedge clk)
: for sequential logic
Tip: It is preferable to use synchronize reset to maintain small time delay. For example:
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
// do initialization and/or reset
Instead of:
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
if (!reset) begin
// do initialization and/or reset
In Verilog HDL, parameters are constants and do not belong to any other data type such as net or register data types. There are two types of parameters in Verilog, parameter
and localparam
(local parameter).
can be reassigned when initialization, see example below.
is of local usage. Can't be reassigned.
is a great tool for generic design, and localparam
is usually used for state representation. For example:
module mux2to1(
input [WIDTH-1:0] a,
input [WIDTH-1:0] b,
input sel,
output [WIDTH-1:0] o
parameter WIDTH = 32;
assign o = sel ? b : a;
We can thus use the above module to create 32-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit 2 to 1 mux like this:
// default is 32-bit
mux2to1 mux2to1_32bit (.a(a), .b(b), .sel(sel), .o(o));
// instantiate as 16-bit
mux2to1 #(.WIDTH(16)) mux2to1_16bit (.a(a), .b(b), .sel(sel), .o(o));
// instantiate as 8-bit
mux2to1 #(.WIDTH(8)) mux2to1_16bit (.a(a), .b(b), .sel(sel), .o(o));
and task
are pretty much like function
and procedure
in Pascal. A function returns value while task doesn't.
is the template which generate code before sythesizing.
- function
- task
- generator
Won't say too much about them because we are in Basic section. But they are powerful and convenient when you get familiar with them. You may refer to other resource if you want to learn.
- Prefer sync to async
- Always use
posedge clk
to trigger a sequential always block instead of some random signals. - Reason: Eases clock network synthesis. Eases test strategy generation, and limits exceptions to the coding standards to a small module. It also improves the portability of the code to a different end use clocking scheme.
- Always use
- Prefer explicitly initialize in always block to initial block
- Reseting reg value when
signal is high. - Reason: Always maintaining proper reset behavior.
- Reseting reg value when
- Prefer multiple always blocks to a huge always block
- Reason: dividing different logic to make code clear.
- Prefer generic design
- Using
to write generic module - Reason: Simplify code. Increase readability.
- Using
- Prefer semantic naming
- Prefer unified coding sytle
- Since Verilog coding style is rather complicated and various among different companies. We do not specify a certain style here. But make sure you stick to one through your project.
Finite state machine (a.k.a. FSM) is the most important conception in hardware programming. You will use FSM a lot when you are trying to adapt hardware protocols.
There are two types of FSM:
- Moore machine: the next state is decided by current state.
- Mealy machine: the next state is decided by current state along with input.
Refer to text book or wiki if you don't understand.
There exist a pattern to describe FSMs. The idea is to divide "next state" decision apart from "current state" action.
For example, consider the UART protocol:
Since we are just introducing the FSM pattern, we ignore the clock synchronization and over-sampling logic (if you don't know what it means, look it up). Assume that we managed to be triggered at sampling points just as the picture implies, we can model this protocol with IDLE
three state. The receiving module code could be:
* Caution! This code is meant to be introducing the FSM pattern.
* It won't work if you don't add the clock synchronization and over-sampling logic.
* You should write your own uart receiver instead of copying this one.
module uart_receiver(
input clk,
input reset,
input rx,
output ready,
output [7:0] data
IDLE = 0,
STOP = 2;
reg [7:0] shift_reg;
reg ready_reg;
reg [1:0] state;
reg [1:0] state_next;
reg [2:0] cnt;
reg [2:0] cnt_next;
// combinational logic only concerns what the next state is
always @* begin
// next state is default to current state
state_next = state;
cnt_next = cnt;
case (state)
IDLE: begin
if (rx == 1'b0) begin
state_next = RECEIVING;
cnt_next = 3'b000;
if (cnt == 3'b111) begin
state_next = STOP;
cnt_next = 3'b000;
end else begin
cnt_next = cnt + 1'b1;
STOP: begin
// stop bit must be a "1", otherwise indicates an error
// we assume errors never happen
state_next = IDLE;
// sequential logic concerns what to do in current state
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
cnt <= 3'b000;
state <= IDLE;
shift_reg <= 8'b0;
ready_reg <= 1'b0;
end else begin
// transfer state
cnt <= cnt_next;
state <= state_next;
IDLE: begin
shift_reg <= 8'b0;
ready_reg <= 1'b0;
shift_reg <= {rx, shift_reg[6:1]};
STOP: begin
ready_reg <= 1'b1;
assign ready = ready_reg;
assign data = shift_reg;
- Xilinx XST User Guide for Virtex-6, Spartan-6, and 7 Series Devices
- Verilog HDL Coding by freescale semiconductor