Releases: ZengLawrence/py-tic-tac-toe
Releases · ZengLawrence/py-tic-tac-toe
v0.3.0 Add 1 player game to GUI and other refactorings
What's Changed
- Prevent Tk from loading in console mode by @ZengLawrence in #21
- Consistent interface for Console and Gui classes by @ZengLawrence in #22
- Remove Tk detection by @ZengLawrence in #23
- Refactor Game class to encapsulate computer made moves by @ZengLawrence in #24
- Add 1 player game to GUI by @ZengLawrence in #25
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
v0.2.0 GUI version for two player game
What's Changed
- GUI - set up board by @ZengLawrence in #15
- Convert to class by @ZengLawrence in #16
- Show game status by @ZengLawrence in #17
- Disable buttons when game over by @ZengLawrence in #18
- Extract layout logic to improve readability by @ZengLawrence in #19
- Add command line flag to start GUI by @ZengLawrence in #20
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
v0.1.0 initial version- console based game
What's Changed
- console based game
Full Changelog: