Studying docker and kubernetes projects.
visits ๐
Dockerized simple vistis count app using node and redis images in a docker-compose file to run the container.
Images used: redis, node:alpine
simpleweb ๐
Dockerized simple node server using node:alpine
Images used: node:alpine
redis-image ๐ฉ
Playing with redis image inside a container
Images used: redis
frontend ๐คซ
Dockerized react app with unit test runner handling and handle production and development servers check Dockerfile for production and for testing server
Images used: react
complex ๐
- node app(api) as a backend server
- the react app (client) as frontend talking to the backend.
- node is talking to redis(redis) and postgres(postgres) to store data.
- worker listening to redis events(worker) to calc values on redis.
this is a dockerized MEAN stack over production and testing environments KADUOS.
Images used: postgres, redis, nginx, api, client, worker
simplek8s ๐
- A Pod containing multi-client image.
- Servicepointing to the container.
- Deployment having1 replica of our container.
Single Pod, Service, Deployment to test out minikube and Kubectl commands.
Images used: ahmedkhd36/multi-client
Images used: redis, postgres, ahmedkhd36/multi-client, ahmedkhd36/multi-worker, ahmedkhd36/multi-server
This is the complex project on k8s and using travisCI and google cloud for deployment and
script to deploy the cluster to production
Images used: redis, postgres, ahmedkhd36/multi-client, ahmedkhd36/multi-worker, ahmedkhd36/multi-server