This is a fully-featured MERN project. It is a collaborative project where we try to implement our best possible knowledge to showcase and try to grab the attention of users who are looking for beauty products. It is an e-commerce website.
ReactJS, JavaScript, Chakra-UI, MongoDB, NodeJS, Express
Use this Credentials to Signup as a user.
Email:[email protected]
Password: renu@
Use this Credentials to Signup as a Admin.
Email: [email protected]
Password: Push1697@
- Navigation Bar and Footer is well aligned.
- Authenication is provided where data is getting stored in the Mongodb Database.
- Limited Items can be purchased based on the availabilty in stock.
- Products page where all the products is provided and user buy it accordingly.
- Special Admin login is provided.
- All components are cross-device cross platform compatible.
Clone the Repository from Github. Then do the following steps:
npm install
npm run start
This is the landing page when user visits for the website for first time.
Images and all necessary information required or user intrested to look at.
In Sign in page where user need to give their credentials to access the protected parts of the website.
This section shows the best selling products available on the website.
This the Product detail page where user can see the details of order and add the product to cart.