This library is used on my Chef Buddy app. It displays a rotating fling-able prize wheel, with settable sections (the little pizza shaped slices?). Whenever the wheel settles after being flung, the library notifies a listening class about the winning section.
The sections can be programatically set, and they require a custom List of Section objects. Please see the sample application below!
Add this to your project build.gradle
repositories {
// ...
maven { url '' }
Add this to your app module:
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'com.github.abicelis:PrizeWheelView:1.1.0'
- Add the view to your layout
Note that you can set layout_width and layout_height to predefined values, or one or both to match_parent. The View will take as much space as it can, while still being square.
- In your view class (activity/fragment)
//Get the wheel view
wheelView = (PrizeWheelView) findViewById(;
//Populate a List of Sections
List<WheelSection> wheelSections = new ArrayList<>();
wheelSections.add(new WheelBitmapSection(someBitmap));
wheelSections.add(new WheelDrawableSection(R.drawable.some_drawable));
wheelSections.add(new WheelColorSection(R.color.some_color));
//Set those sections
//Finally, generate wheel
- Listen for wheel events
mWheelView.setWheelEventsListener(new WheelEventsListener() {
public void onWheelStopped() {
//Handle wheel stopped here
public void onWheelFlung() {
//Handle wheel flinging here
public void onWheelSettled(int sectionIndex, double angle) {
//Handle wheel settle here
- Set even more options
//Set onSettled listener
wheelView.setWheelEventsListener(new WheelEventsListener() {...});
Note that wheelView.generateWheel(); must be called after setting all the options!!
For more options and code, please check the sample project
- Alejandro Bicelis - Coding - abicelis
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details