Dockerized Django Rest Framework backend connected with React frontend app. PostgreSQL is used as a database.
The app consists of only one functional page which provides a form to add a student, and information about all students that has been added to the list.
This simple app uses Django Rest Framework to build APIs. For frontend, React JS is used. The connection between the frontend and the backend is made by Axios, a JavaScript library. To manage data, PostgreSQL is used and connected with DRF.
By exploring this repo, you (and possibly me too) can learn about running a full-stack app in docker containers. Using the power of docker compose to make different services work together in sync is a good idea to apply in different projects.
First Download the repository.
Open it and then run: docker compose up
** You should have docker installed on your device.
Go to: http://localhost:5175 in your browser to see the app.