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KELLECT :a Kernel-based Efficient and Lossless Event Log Collector

简体中文 | English

KELLECT Introduction

KELLECT (a Kernel-based efficient and Lossless event log collector) is a framework for kernel-level event log processing, including the stages of acquisition, cleaning, fusion, storage and analysis, KELLECT is divided into KellectAgent and KellectService according to different functions.

KellectAgent-Windows Introduction

KelletAgent Windows (hereinafter referred to as KelletAgent) is a multi-threaded Windows kernel log collector based on ETW (Event Tracing for Windows), developed in C++language, with high performance and low system overhead. KelletAgent Windows can track kernel level event information of Windows systems, such as FileIO, Process, Thread, ImageLoad, Registry, etc. It can also track event information on the user side, such as Microsoft Windows DNS Client.

The program integrates functions such as event collection, event analysis, event semantic correction, and event output. The output format follows the JSON specification, and there are the following four output methods:

  • Output to console display;
  • Output to the specified file path;
  • Output to the designated Socket communication terminal;
  • Output to the specified Kafka server.

Users can use this tool directly through "PowerShell.exe" or "cmd.exe", and set command parameters as needed. We also provide some configuration files, which users can customize according to their needs.

For more information on the future of KELLECT , see the Future Work section.

Implementation Details

KellectAgent uses a number of 3rd party libraries, as shown below. Please see LICENSE-3RD-PARTY for further details.

Module Name Module Version LicenseUrl
easyloggingpp v9.96.7
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue /
nlohmann::json v3.10.4
TinyXML-2 v2
librdkafka v1.6

The development of KellectAgent mainly depends on the Clion development tool, and the compilation mainly depends on the MSVC compiler. The software and versions used for development are shown in the table below:

Tool Name Version
Visual Studio 16.11.13
MSVC 19.29.30143.0
Windows SDK 10.0.20348.0
Clion 2022.1

The directory of kellect is shown as below:

name of directory meaning
include header files
lib the 3rd party libraries
source source files
source/config config files
release executable file

KellectAgent Manual

Usage of the command-line

After testing, KellectAgent can run on Windows7 (client version), Windows Server2008 (server version) and above versions.

Note: The Windows 11 version is currently not supported, and will be supported in subsequent versions.

The KellectAgent must be run as Administrator. As shown below, the function can be selected in the form of configuration parameters.


For example, the following command can be used to collect all system logs and output them to the file "test.json":

kellect.exe -e all -f test.json

Note: For the parameter "-e", please specify the value in hexadecimal format.

Usage of the configuration file


Users can implement different functions by configuring filter.txt. Usually KellectAgent does not need to be modified to run, unless there are customized requirements.

  • The role of filter.txt is to filter events you don't need. There are three types of labels used for filtering, which are the process ID, event identifier, blacklist of image file path and whitelist of image file path. The default configuration is as follows:
0 4 128

3740466758 32
1030727888 1
1030727888 2
1030727889 1
1030727889 2
1030727889 36
749821213 10
749821213 2


Label descriptions:

  1. [filteredProcessID]

    Indicates to filter events based on the list of PIDs separated by spaces.

  2. [filteredEventIdentifier]

    Indicates tracing events through the combination of Event ProviderID and opcode, which we call EventIdentifier. The specific event log details can be obtained in Microsoft Documentation. ProviderID is the decimal form of the first part of the Guid class, and opcode is the EventType value under Remarks of BaseEvent Class Page.

    Note: The event identifiers under this label are whitelisted and are the types of events we need to collect.



​ 3.[filteredImageFile]

​ ImageLoad events and corresponding CallStacks will be filtered by the Image file path listed in this label.


This file stores some system DLL files, and we will pre-read these files when KellectAgent is running to speed up the efficiency of subsequent event parsing. Users can add the path of the DLL file that needs to be preloaded to the file.


NOTE: Some DLL files cannot be resolved.


Configure the log output format and path information.


Set the UUID of the current host. If not specified, KellectAgent will automatically generate a UUID and output it to the file.

Output Format

We output event records in the format of JSON. Each BaseEvent has two parts of properties: common properties and private properties. The description of each part as follows:

  • Common properties

    属性 描述
    Event corresponding event name
    TID ID of the thread that generated the event
    PID ID of the process that generated the event
    PName name of the process that generated the event
    PPID parent ID of the process that generated the event
    PPName parent name of the process that generated the event
    TimeStamp time of the event occured
    Host-UUID the host ID that generated the event,
    distinguish the specific log source in the joint analysis of multi-host logs
    Args private property pairs for specific event types
  • Private properties

    This type properties is various depends on the BaseEvent types. For example:

  1. file_create event

    Property Description
    IrpPtr IO request packet
    TTID Thread identifier of the thread that is creating the file.
    FileObject Identifier that can be used for correlating operations to the same opened file object instance between file create and close events.
    CreateOptions Values passed in the CreateOptions and CreateDispositions parameters to the NtCreateFile function.
    FileAttributes Value passed in the FileAttributes parameter to the NtCreateFile function.
    ShareAccess Value passed in the ShareAccess parameter to the NtCreateFile function.
    OpenPath Path to the file.
  2. FileIo_Name event

    Property Description
    FileObject Match the value of this pointer to the FileObject pointer value in a DiskIo_TypeGroup1 event to determine the type of I/O operation.
    FileName Full path to the file, not including the drive letter.
  3. CallStack event . The APIs we collected is provided by OS-defined(part of) and user-defined dll files.

    Property Property
    stackInfo the callstacks of the process operation.
    (the format of each call is like : ModulePath:APIName, e.g: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll:LdrSystemDllInitBlock)
  4. ...... for other event attribute descriptions, please refer to Microsoft Documentation.

It should be noted that we have modified or populated the properties of most events, so there will be some differences between the native events provided by Windows and ours.

The output case are as follows:

#FileIO Create BaseEvent
	"Event": "FileIOCreate",
	"PID": 956,
	"PName": "QQPCTray.exe",
	"PPID": 2832,
	"PPName": "QQPCRTP.exe",
	"TID": 9516,
	"TimeStamp": 133253085392394264,
	"Host-UUID": "FBFFA15C-FEDE-4f96-9AF8-398294758A2A",
	"Args": {
		"CreateOptions": 18890752,
		"FileAttributes": 0,
		"FileObject": 2590015792,
		"IrpPtr": 2812860872,
		"OpenPath": "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePackzh-CN_19041.57.180.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Windows\System32\DriverStore\zh-CN\uaspstor.inf_loc",
		"ShareAccess": 7,
		"TTID": 9516

#Callstack event
	"Event": "CallStack",
	"PID": 21576,
	"PName": "GoogleUpdate.exe",
	"PPID": 1808,
	"PPName": "svchost.exe",
	"TID": 44940,
	"TimeStamp": 133253092340669753,
	"Host-UUID": "FBFFA15C-FEDE-4f96-9AF8-398294758A2A",
	"Args": {
		"stackInfo": "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\goopdate.dll:DllEntry,

WDM(windows common data model)输出格式

At present, WDM format conversion only applies to registry, process, thread, file, and network (Tcp) for format conversion. Each event will produce an edge, and the format of each edge is:

     "data": {
          "Event": {
             "uuid": ,
             "Type": "", 
             "subject": "",
             "object": "",
             "object2": "",
             "CommandLine": "",
         "args": ,
         "weights": 1
     "WDMVersion": "1.0",
     "source": ""

For each point, the output of different events may vary slightly.

Such as

         "data": {
             "Subject": {
                 "uuid": ,
                 "PID" ,
                 "PName": ,
                 "NodeType": ,
                 "ParentSubject": ,   
             "args": ,
             "weights": 1
         "WDMVersion": "1.0",
         "source": ""

         "data": {
             "Object": {
                 "uuid": ,
                 "Type": ,
                 "Path": ,
                 "NodeType": ,
             "args": ,
             "weights": 1
         "WDMVersion": "1.0",
         "source": ""


We use KellectAgent as the collection tool and based on the script Automic Red Team proposed by redcanaryco for data collection. The script is based on the tactics in ATT&CK, and the data we collected is shared in [Google Cloud Disk]( -VHYyQkON6cMgH9djct?usp=sharing)

Future Work

  1. ETW-based Windows kernel events log collector(V1.0,released)
  2. eBPF-based Linux kernel events log collector(V1.1,developing)
  3. Common Data Model interface.