Open modification searching of SARS-CoV-2–human protein interaction data reveals novel viral modification sites
The code in this repository has been created to post-process open modification searching results generated with the spectral library search engine ANN-SoLo We reanalyzed public affinity purification mass spectrometry data using open modification searching to investigate the presence of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus–host PPI network. The preprint is available on BioRxiv
CWL workflows were created to perform protein inference (ProteinInferenceWorkflow.cwl) and to map PTMs on observed mass differences (ModificationMappingWorkflow.cwl). They can be run by using cwltool
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
conda install -c conda-forge cwltool
For the protein inference workflow pandas and pyopenms need to be installed
conda install -c anaconda pandas
pip install pyopenms
You will also need to install OpenMS and PIA
Here is an example of the arguments needed to run the protein inference workflow:
cwltool --outdir /proteins ProteinInferenceWorkflow.cwl --mztab_to_idxml_py Code/ --mztab test.mztab --filename test --fasta test.fasta --idxml_output test.idxml --cp /pia-1.3.11/pia-1.3.11.jar --compiler de.mpc.pia.intermediate.compiler.PIACompiler --idxml test.idxml --xml_output test.xml --jar /pia-1.3.11/pia-1.3.11.jar --paramFile /param/pia_pipe_SARS_v3.xml --proteinExport test.mztab --mztab_to_csv_py Code/ --pia_proteins_R Code/pia_proteins.R
Additionally we created some code to perform some analyses such as a GO enrichment analysis and PPI filtering. These can be found under /Analysis-code.
For more information you can send an email to [email protected].