PyTorch implementation for DeepHash framework
Linux or OSX
NVIDIA GPU + CUDA (may CuDNN) and corresponding PyTorch framework (version 1.0.0)
Python 3.6
We use ImageNet, NUS-WIDE and COCO dataset in our experiments. You can download the ImageNet dataset and NUS-WIDE dataset here. As for COCO dataset, we use COCO 2014, which can be downloaded here. And in case of COCO changes in the future, we also provide a download link here on google drive. After downloading, you need to move the imagenet.tar.gz to ./data/imagenet and extract the file there.
mv imagenet.tar.gz ./data/imagenet
cd ./data/imagenet
tar -zxvf imagenet.tar.gz
Also, for NUS-WIDE, you need to move the nus_wide.tar.gz to ./data/nuswide_81 and extract the file there.
mv nus_wide.tar.gz ./data/nus_wide
cd ./data/nus_wide
tar -zxvf nus_wide.tar.gz
For COCO dataset, you need to extract both train and val archive for COCO in ./data/coco. If you download from COCO download page,
mv ./data/coco
mv ./data/coco
cd ./data/coco
If you use our shared link
mv coco.tar.gz ./data/coco
cd ./data/coco
tar -zxvf coco.tar.gz
You can also modify the list file(txt format) in ./data as you like. Each line in the list file follows the following format:
<image path><space><one hot label representation>
First, you can manually download the PyTorch pre-trained model introduced in `torchvision' library or if you have connected to the Internet, you can automatically downloaded them. Then, you can train the model for each dataset using the followling command.
cd src
python --gpu_id 0 --dataset coco --prefix resnet50_hashnet --bit 48 --net ResNet50 --lr 0.0003 --class_num 1.0
You can set the command parameters to switch between different experiments.
- "gpu_id" is the GPU ID to run experiments.
- "bit" parameter is the number of bits of the hash codes.
- "dataset" is the dataset selection. In our experiments, it can be "imagenet", "nus_wide" or "coco".
- "prefix" is the path to output model snapshot and log file in "snapshot" directory.
- "net" sets the base network. For details of setting, you can see
- For AlexNet, "net" is AlexNet.
- For VGG Net, "net" is like VGG16. Detail names are in
- For ResNet, "net" is like ResNet50. Detail names are in
- "lr" is the learning rate.
- "class_num" is the positive and negative pairs balance weight.
You can evaluate the Mean Average Precision(MAP) result on each dataset using the followling command.
cd src
python --gpu_id 0 --dataset coco --prefix resnet50_hashnet --bit 48 --snapshot iter_10000
You can set the command parameters to switch between different experiments.
- "gpu_id" is the GPU ID to run experiments.
- "bit" parameter is the number of bits of the hash codes.
- "dataset" is the dataset selection. In our experiments, it can be "imagenet", "nus_wide" or "coco".
- "prefix" is the path to output model snapshot and log file in "snapshot" directory.
- "snapshot" is the snapshot model name. "iter_09000" means the model snapshoted at iteration 9000.