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ScanCard is AIR native extension for credit card scanning SDK.


You can get latest cardscan.ane binary from bin directory or built it for yourself as described in build's readme. Next add cardscan.ane to your project (more info) and declare it in your application descriptor:


On Android you also need to modify your application descriptor

  1. Edit <manifestAdditions> section of your application descriptor. We're going to add a few additional items in here:
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />
  1. Also in your <manifest> element, make sure the following permissions and features are present:
    <!-- Permission to vibrate - recommended, allows vibration feedback on scan -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

    <!-- Permission to use camera - required -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

    <!-- Camera features - recommended -->
    <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />
    <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />
    <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />
  1. Within the <application> element, add activity entries:
    <!-- Activities responsible for gathering payment info -->
    <activity android:name="io.card.payment.CardIOActivity" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" />
    <activity android:name="io.card.payment.DataEntryActivity" />
	<activity android:name="com.yuppablee.cardscan.activities.CardScanActivity" />

You can get more info about installation on Android from' repository.

Note that CardScanActivity is an internal CardScan's Activity that used for receive data from CardIOActivity and it should be declared too.

Scan For Payment

The CardScan.sharedInstance().scanForPayment method allow User scan (or manually input) its credit card, when scanning is done you receive CardScanEvent.SCAN_COMPLETE event, or Event.CANCEL if scan process has been cancelled.

	var scanComplete:Function = function (event:CardScanEvent):void
		CardScan.sharedInstance().removeEventListener(CardScanEvent.SCAN_COMPLETE, scanComplete);
		CardScan.sharedInstance().removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, scanCanceled);
		trace(; // contains CreditCard instance that describes scanned credit card.

	var scanCanceled:Function = function (event:Event):void
		CardScan.sharedInstance().removeEventListener(CardScanEvent.SCAN_COMPLETE, scanComplete);
		CardScan.sharedInstance().removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, scanCanceled);


	CardScan.sharedInstance().addEventListener(CardScanEvent.SCAN_COMPLETE, scanComplete);
	CardScan.sharedInstance().addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, scanCanceled);

	CardScan.sharedInstance().scanForPayment(new CardScanOptions());

Known issues and limitations

  • not support scanned images for CreditCard, due to requirement do not store credit card data;
  • changing scan overlay on Android is not tested;
  • changing scan overlay on iOS is not supported;
  • scan with CardIOView on iOS is not supported.

Public API

CardScan class is a Facade that provide access to all functionality of the library:

	 * Returns library version.
	 * @return Human-readable version of library.
	public static function get libraryVersion():String;

	 * Indicates it CardScan extension is supported on current platform.
	 * @return @return <code>true</code> if extension is supported. <code>false</code> otherwise.
	public static function isSupported():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * The preload method prepares to launch faster. Calling preload is optional but suggested.
	 * On an iPhone 5S, for example, preloading makes launch ~400ms faster.
	 * The best time to call preload is when displaying a view from which might be launched;
	 * e.g., inside your view controller's viewWillAppear: method.
	 * preload works in the background; the call to preload returns immediately.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>: Does nothing.
	public static function preload():void;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Determine whether this device supports camera-based card scanning, considering
	 * factors such as hardware support and OS version.
	 * automatically provides manual entry of cards as a fallback,
	 * so it is not typically necessary for your app to check this.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Determine if the device supports card scanning.
	 * <br><br>
	 * An ARM7 processor and Android SDK 8 or later are required. Additional checks for specific
	 * misbehaving devices may also be added.
	 * @return <code>true</code> if camera is supported. <code>false</code> otherwise.
	public static function canReadCardWithCamera():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>: Returns a doubly Gaussian-blurred screenshot, intended for screenshots when backgrounding.
	 * @return Blurred screenshot.
	 * <i>Android</i>: N/A returns <code>null</code>.
	public static function getBlurredScreenImage():BitmapData;

	 * @return Shared instance.
	public static function sharedInstance():CardScan;

	/** Constructor*/
	public function CardScan();

	 * Initiates scan process.
	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Starts scan with CardIOPaymentViewController
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Starts scan with CardIOActivity
	 * @param options
	public function scanForPayment(options:CardScanOptions):void;

CardScanOptions class describes options for ScanForPayment functionality:

	//  Class constants: iOS specific keys

	 * Boolean property.
	 * If YES, the status bar's style will be kept as whatever your app has set it to.
	 * If NO, the status bar style will be set to the default style.
	 * Defaults to NO.
	public static const IOS_KEEP_STATUS_BAR_STYLE:String = "keepStatusBarStyle";

	 * UIBarStyle property.
	 * The default appearance of the navigation bar is navigationBarStyle == UIBarStyleDefault;
	 * tintColor == nil (pre-iOS 7), barTintColor == nil (iOS 7).
	 * Set either or both of these properties if you want to override these defaults.
	 * @see navigationBarTintColor
	public static const IOS_NAVIGATION_BAR_STYLE:String = "navigationBarStyle";

	 * Number property.
	 * The default appearance of the navigation bar is navigationBarStyle == UIBarStyleDefault;
	 * tintColor == nil (pre-iOS 7), barTintColor == nil (iOS 7).
	 * Set either or both of these properties if you want to override these defaults.
	 * @see navigationBarStyle
	public static const IOS_NAVIGATION_BAR_TINT_COLOR:String = "navigationBarTintColor";

	 * Boolean property.
	 * Normally, blurs the screen when the app is backgrounded,
	 * to obscure card details in the iOS-saved screenshot.
	 * If your app already does its own blurring upon backgrounding,
	 * you might choose to disable this behavior.
	 * Defaults to NO.
	public static const IOS_DISABLE_BLUR_WHEN_BACKGROUNDING:String = "disableBlurWhenBackgrounding";

	 * Boolean property.
	 * If YES, instead of displaying the image of the scanned card,
	 * present the manual entry screen with the scanned card number prefilled.
	 * Defaults to NO.
	public static const IOS_SUPPRESS_SCANNED_CARD_IMAGE:String = "suppressScannedCardImage";

	 * Boolean property.
	 * Mask the card number digits as they are manually entered by the user. Defaults to NO.
	public static const IOS_MASK_MANUAL_ENTRY_DIGITS:String = "maskManualEntryDigits";

     * Unsupported feature.
     * A custom view that will be overlaid atop the entire scan view. Defaults to nil.
     * If you set a scanOverlayView, be sure to:
     *  * Consider rotation. Be sure to test on the iPad with rotation both enabled and disabled.
     *    To make rotation synchronization easier, whenever a scanOverlayView is set, and does an
     *    in-place rotation (rotates its UI elements relative to their containers), will generate
     *    rotation notifications; see CardIOScanningOrientationDidChangeNotification
     *    and associated userInfo key documentation below.
     *    As with UIKit, the initial rotation is always UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.
     *  * Be sure to pass touches through to the superview as appropriate. Note that the entire camera
     *    preview responds to touches (triggers refocusing). Test the light button and the toolbar buttons.
     *  * Minimize animations, redrawing, or any other CPU/GPU/memory intensive activities
	public static const IOS_SCAN_OVERLAY_VIEW:String = "scanOverlayView"; // Unsupported feature

	 * Boolean property.
	 * By default, in camera view the card guide and the buttons always rotate to match the device's orientation.
	 *   All four orientations are permitted, regardless of any app or viewcontroller constraints.
	 * If you wish, the card guide and buttons can instead obey standard iOS constraints, including
	 *   the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations settings in your app's plist.
	 * Set to NO to follow standard iOS constraints. Defaults to YES. (Does not affect the manual entry screen.)
	public static const IOS_ALLOW_FREELY_ROTATING_CARD_GUIDE:String = "allowFreelyRotatingCardGuide";

	//  Class constants: Android specific keys

	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. If set, the card will not be scanned
	 * with the camera.
	public static const ANDROID_NO_CAMERA:String = "io.card.payment.noCamera";

		 * Integer extra. Optional. If this value is provided the view will be inflated and will overlay
		 * the camera during the scan process. The integer value must be the id of a valid layout
		 * resource.
		public static const ANDROID_SCAN_OVERLAY_LAYOUT_ID:String = "io.card.payment.scanOverlayLayoutId";

	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Use the PayPal icon in the ActionBar.
	public static const ANDROID_USE_PAYPAL_ACTIONBAR_ICON:String = "io.card.payment.intentSenderIsPayPal";

	 * Boolean extra. Optional. If this value is set to <code>true</code>, and the application has a theme,
	 * the theme for the {@link}s will be set to the theme of the application.
	public static const ANDROID_KEEP_APPLICATION_THEME:String = "io.card.payment.keepApplicationTheme";

	/** Constructor */
	public function CardScanOptions()

	 * The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface.
	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface.
	 * If not set, or if set to nil, defaults to the device's current language setting.
	 * Can be specified as a language code ("en", "fr", "zh-Hans", etc.) or as a locale ("en_AU", "fr_FR", "zh-Hant_HK", etc.).
	 * If does not contain localized strings for a specified locale, then it will fall back to the language. E.g., "es_CO" -> "es".
	 * If does not contain localized strings for a specified language, then it will fall back to American English.
	 * If you specify only a language code, and that code matches the device's currently preferred language,
	 * then will attempt to use the device's current region as well.
	 * E.g., specifying "en" on a device set to "English" and "United Kingdom" will result in "en_GB".
	 * These localizations are currently included:
	 * ar,da,de,en,en_AU,en_GB,es,es_MX,fr,he,is,it,ja,ko,ms,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ru,sv,th,tr,zh-Hans,zh-Hant,zh-Hant_TW.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	public function get languageOrLocale():String;

	 * Color of the guide overlay.
	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Alter the card guide (bracket) color. Opaque colors recommended.
	 * Defaults to -1; if -1, will use green.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Integer extra. Optional. Defaults to {@link Color#GREEN}. Changes the
	 * color of the guide overlay on the camera.
	public function get guideColor():int;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * If <code>true</code>, don't have the user confirm the scanned card, just
	 * return the results immediately. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. If this value is set to <code>true</code> the
	 * user will not be prompted to confirm their card number after processing.
	public function get suppressScanConfirmation():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set the scan instruction text. If nil, use the default text. Defaults to nil.
	 * Use newlines as desired to control the wrapping of text onto multiple lines.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * String extra. Optional. Used to display instructions to the user while they are scanning
	 * their card.
	public function get scanInstructions():String;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Hide the PayPal or logo in the scan view.
	 * Defaults to <code>false</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. When set to <code>true</code>
	 * the logo will not be shown overlaid on the camera.
	public function get hideLogo():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>false</code> if you don't need to collect the card expiration.
	 * Defaults to <code>true</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. If
	 * set to <code>false</code>, expiry information will not be required.
	public function get requireExpiry():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>false</code> if you don't need to collect the cvv from the user.
	 * Defaults to <code>true</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. If set, the user will be prompted
	 * for the card CVV.
	public function get requireCVV():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>true</code> if you need to collect the billing postal code.
	 * Defaults to <code>false</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. If set, the user will be prompted
	 * for the card billing postal code.
	public function get requirePostalCode():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>false</code> if you don't want the camera to try to scan the
	 * card expiration. Applies only if collectExpiry is also YES.
	 * Defaults to <code>true</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>true</code>. If
	 * set to <code>true</code>, and {@link #EXTRA_REQUIRE_EXPIRY} is <code>true</code>,
	 * an attempt to extract the expiry from the card image will be made.
	public function get scanExpiry():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>true</code> to show the logo over the camera view instead of the PayPal logo.
	 * Defaults to <code>false</code>.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. If set, the logo will be
	 * shown instead of the PayPal logo.
	public function get useCardIOLogo():Boolean;

	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * Set to <code>true</code> to prevent from showing its "Enter Manually" button.
	 * Defaults to <code>true</code>.
	 * @note <strong>On iOS</strong>: If [CardIOUtilities canReadCardWithCamera] returns false, then if
	 * is presented it will automatically display its manual entry screen. Therefore, if you want to prevent
	 * users from *ever* seeing's manual entry screen, you should first check 
	 * [CardIOUtilities canReadCardWithCamera] before initing the view controller.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * Boolean extra. Optional. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Removes the keyboard button from the
	 * scan screen.
	 * <p/>
	 * If scanning is unavailable, the {@link} result will be 
	public function get suppressManualEntry():Boolean;

	 * Specifies detection mode.
	 * <i>iOS</i>:
	 * CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber: the scanner must successfully identify the card number.
	 * CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly: don't scan the card, just detect a credit-card-shaped card.
	 * CardIODetectionModeAutomatic: start as CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber, but fall back to
	 * CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly if scanning has not succeeded within a reasonable time.
	 * Defaults to CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber.
	 * @note Images returned in CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly mode may be less focused, to accomodate  
	 * scanning cards that are dominantly white (e.g., the backs of drivers licenses), and thus
	 * hard to calculate accurate focus scores for.
	 * <br />
	 * <i>Android</i>:
	 * On Android this option is simulated, for image only detection mode it
	 * to <code>true</code>.
	public function get detectionMode():CardScanDetectionMode;

	 * Sets option value
	 * @param name The name of option
	 * @param value The value to set
	public function setProperty(name:String, value:Object):void;

	 * Returns option value
	 * @param name The name of option
	 * @return The option value
	public function getProperty(name:String):*;

CreditCard class contains information about a credit card received throudh scan proccess:

	/** Constructor */
	public function CreditCard()

	 * Card number
	public var cardNumber:String;

	 * Card number with all but the last four digits obfuscated
	public var redactedCardNumber:String;

	 * January == 1
	 * @note expiryMonth & expiryYear may be 0, if expiry information was not requested.
	public var expiryMonth:Number;

	 * The full four digit year.
	 * @note expiryMonth & expiryYear may be 0, if expiry information was not requested.
	public var expiryYear:Number;

	 * Security code (aka CSC, CVV, CVV2, etc.)
	 * @note May be null, if security code was not requested.
	public var cvv:String;

	 * Postal code. Format is country dependent
	 * @note May be nil, if postal code information was not requested.
	public var postalCode:String;

	 * Was the card number scanned (as opposed to entered manually)?
	 * @note May be nil, if postal code information was not requested.
	public var scanned:Boolean;

	 * Derived from cardNumber.
	 * @note CardIOCreditInfo objects will never return a cardType of CreditCardTypeAmbiguous.
	public var cardType:CreditCardType;