Here is the prep materials and some piece of code that I used for SystemDesign lightning talk:
- you need to do smth exactly once in your system
- log rotation, DB schema migration, give range of unique keys, running a cron job, saving steps as step function analogy, etc
- there are many tools to solve these problems
- zookeeper - but doesn't offer consistent reads
- consul - would work, but primary use - DNS & service discovery
- kafka(or any other similar technology) with one topic and one partition
- any KV store with compare&swap operations
- compare:
- one of it might be etcd as it's easy to use and has been proven by many high load products
- quick overview of etcd API for leader election
- work with transactions
Etcd uses Raft for consensus and leader election. Let's check latency numbers and see how many operations we can confirm through the consensus
It depends very much on how durable you want to be but if we consider these numbers we can see that theoretical limits will be:
configuration | RTT(round trip time) | theoretical limit for confirmed op/s |
inside DC | 1-2ms | 500-1000 |
inside one region | 2-5ms | 200-500 |
cross region | 30-200ms | 5-35 |
Even with ideal conditions (no failures, no retries), consensus-based confirmation is fundamentally limited by network latency. Even inside a single data center, the best case is 500-1000 ops/sec
If your load is not high - simply use etcd kv store and publish transactions one by one. But if you need more you need to batch transactions per read and implement this logic.
- batching
- batch with etcd tools(individual k-v writes but groupped in one Tx)
- batch with 1 tx - but in value - write batched/compressed Tx ids(self-implemented mechanism)
- up the stack
make up
- check member list
etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 member list
- check etcd leader
docker exec etcd-etcd-00-1 etcdctl endpoint status --endpoints=http://etcd-etcd-00-1:2379,http://etcd-etcd-01-1:2379,http://etcd-etcd-02-1:2379 -w table
- leader election. Lease
- check cmd/main.go implementation
- return after leader "election"
- check how to take it, how node looses it
- watch
etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 watch /leader
for followers to get reaction where to start
- change lease time - see how watch updates deleted quicker/slower
- start to write each record individually
etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 watch --prefix /individual
etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 get --prefix /individual
etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 del --prefix /individual
- start to write batched etcd records by using etcd api