My dotfiles (see definition below), managed using the GNU Stow symlink farm manager.
This repo is used in conjunction with my Ansible-based Debian configuration to document/automate the setup/configuration of my personal workstations.
The idea of dotfiles is explained here.
User-specific application configuration is traditionally stored in so called dotfiles (files whose filename starts with a dot). It is common practice to track dotfiles with a version control system such as Git to keep track of changes and synchronize dotfiles across various hosts.
I use GNU Stow to manage symbolic links to my dotfiles. You can read a short GNU Stow tutorial in my public notes (also available on Github as a “source” Org file).
The stow.bash
script automatically stows the packages in the home
Alacritty is a cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
My Common Lisp (SBCL) configuration.
Another System Definition Facility, a build system for Common Lisp.
This includes the configuration for ASDF’s source-registry
. More
info here.
SBCL, a high performance Common Lisp compiler.
cVim, an extension adding Vim-like bindings to Google Chrome.
Just load this once in Chrome:
set localconfig let configpath = '/path/to/.cvimrc'
Dunst is a lightweight notification daemon.
My Emacs configuration, included as a submodule.
My Git configuration.
Aliases were originally inspired from the gitalias repo and were then
tailored to my usage.
uses org-babel
for more
readability, and is tangled into the .gitalias
My GnuPG config files.
Gradle settings.
My config for the i3 window manager, including my i3status configuration.
Irssi is a modular text mode chat client. A good occasional alternative to ERC :)
My Ledger configuration.
Settings for Apache Maven.
My passwords, managed with pass, the standard unix password manager. This is a private submodule pointing to a repository hosted on my local network. Although passwords are safely encrypted with GnuPG, I prefer not to make these files public.
Polybar, a fast and easy-to-use status bar. Not used at the moment.
My rclone configuration file (encrypted).
Rofi, a window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement. Used in combination with greenclip.
My StumpWM config, included as a submodule. For when I’m in the mood to experiment.
tmux, a terminal multiplexer.
urxvt, a lightweight terminal emulator. Not used at the moment, replaced by Alacritty.
My VSCode config. I keep $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json
version control and a list of extensions. A script will install them
automatically; I can get them through code --list-extensions
Good resources:
The ‘current’ file in my wallpapers directory is a symlink to my default wallpaper. When I stow my dotfiles, another symlink is created in this way:
~/.wallpapers/current -> ~/etc/dotfiles/wallpapers/.wallpapers/current
My i3 config always loads ~/.wallpapers/current
, so I always have a
default wallpaper when I generate a new environment.
This script, in my personal utils, downloads a random wallpaper and make the current symlink above point to it.
My Xmodmap config.
A great shell.