This repository contains some exercises completed during the Robot Dynamics and Control course at the University of Genoa.
All scripts are executed on MATLAB Simulink.
In this folder there are some exercises on a Planar Robot with 2 revolute joints.
The set of parameters of the model are as follows:
- Mass of link 1: 10.5 Kg
- Length of link 1: 600 mm
- Mass of link 2: 2 Kg
- Length of link 1: 450 mm
Ex 1.1. Set joint positions at q = [-30°, 30°]. Implement gravity compensation using the manipulator statics.
Ex 1.2. Implement gravity compensation in the same configuration using the manipulator statics considering a spherical end-effector of mass Mee = 0.1 Kg and two additional masses (modeled as a spherical objects): one of 2.6 Kg placed on link 1 at 1/3 of its total length, the other one of 7 Kg placed on link 2 at 2/3 of its total length.
Ex 2: Newton-Euler Algorithm
Implement the Newton-Euler algorithm for recursive inverse dynamics. Generate a cubic polynomial trajectory with the following initial and final configurations: 𝑞i = [-50°, 20°], 𝑞f = [85°; -40°]. Consider gravity effect. Do not consider damping in the joints.
Ex 3: Control
Implement the Computed Torque control law using the Robotics System Toolbox blocks. Generate a quintic polynomial trajectory with the following initial and final configurations: 𝑞i = [-90°, 10°], 𝑞f = [−40°; 30°]. Also, the trajectory should pass by an intermediate joint configuration 𝑞 = [0°, 55°]. Also consider gravity action.
Here, the robot is considered in 3D space. With respect to the previous model, the second joint axis is orthogonal to first joint axis. The gravity act along the y-axis of the world frame, with negative direction.
The set of parameters of the model are as follows:
- Mass of link 1: 5 Kg
- Length of link 1: 200 mm
- Mass of link 2: 4.5 Kg
- Length of link 1: 180 mm
Ex 1.1. Consider the joint configuration q = [10°, 35°] . Implement gravity compensation using the manipulator statics.
Ex 1.2. Implement gravity compensation in the same configuration of ex. 1, using the manipulator statics considering a spherical end-effector of mass Mee = 2.5 Kg and an additional mass of 6 Kg (modeled as a spherical object) placed on link 2 at 1/3 of its total length.
Ex 2: Newton-Euler Algorithm
Implement the Newton-Euler algorithm for recursive inverse dynamics. Generate a cubic polynomial trajectory with the following initial and final configurations: 𝑞i = [15°,−50°], 𝑞f = [75°;0°]. Consider gravity effects. Do not consider damping in the joints.
Ex 3: Control
Implement the Computed Torque control law using the Robotics System Toolbox blocks. Generate a quintic polynomial trajectory with the following initial and final configurations: 𝑞i = [-50°, 20°], 𝑞f = [−10°; 60°]. Also, the trajectory should pass by an intermediate joint configuration 𝑞 = [20°, 85°]. Also consider gravity action.