Kind of says it all, doesn't it?
See Motivation and Technical Overview for unique features.
Targeted to ARM Cortex M4 uPs; ports are planned.
Developed using ARM's GCC toolset in a Linux environment via Eclipse (you don't have to pay for anything), but is tool independant (should work with IAR or almost anybody's tools).
For many embedded systems, I've found:
- Linux is too much
- RTOS' with the usual semaphores, queues, and priority mechanisms mean re-inventing the wheel, again and again.
What I wanted and delivered:
- A pre-emptable kernel supporting pre-emptable tasks
- Tasks can run synchronously or asynchronously (block or march-ahead)
- Rendevous between tasks using
- prioritized events
- block oriented messages, either FIFO or prioritized
- byte steams, always FIFO.
The test program in test/STM32F429Nucleo144/trTst07 is a good example.
- Three tasks: Jonny, Benton, and Race; and one pushbutton interrupt handler.
- Benton and Race
- have equal priority
- ping-pong an event with each other
- when the task has the event, it does work
- upon work completion sends the event to the other task
- Meanwhile: there's a pushbutton interrupt
- pushing the button sends an event to Jonny
- Jonny is a high priority task
- he can interrupt whoever is running, Benton or Race
- Jonny panics
- then Benton and Race get back to work.
Anything prefaced by the identifiers
- trAPI is a ThingRendevous call
- trTask is a kernel configuration item.
Everything is here, but you might not want it all.
- inc/ contains the API header files. It's all your app needs.
- src/ contains ThingRendevous itself. Everything. The code follows:
- Linux formatting style
- GCC convention for in-line assember (and doesn't use ARM's CMSIS)
- Doxygen for all documentation (we're old-school).
- But ThingRendevous needs a configuration data structure. The data structure is built from keywords in your source code.
- tool/ is that tool; requires python3
- keywords and usage described in doc/TN09_AllAboutTrTasks.txt
All code is Doxygen-ized.
All the docs are .txt files.
- Spec files contain a requirements Specifiction and description
- TN files are Technical Notes
- intended for app writers
- it's mostly tool acquisition and configuration and "How do I?..."
- a static ThingRendevous archive
- ...set-up Eclipse
- ...find ARM's GCC compiler
- and other other stuff
- uDN are Design Notes
- if you want to look under-the-hood, here's the hood...
- further subdivided by uP and board.
Each .txt file is a Doxygen "source" file.
Try using the command line "doxygen Doxyfile" at the root. Watch the stuff come out. Point your browswer to html/index.html. Isn't that nice?
ext/ contains all uP- and board-specific code. Each uP and board has it's own subdirectory. Each subdir contains
- a re-distribution of vendor-supplied code, tweaked in ways I've found helpful
- custom code I've developed, usually start-up code and such.
Each subdirectory contains test code peculiar to a uP or an evaluation board.
I found 'em helpful. You may too.
MIT, folks. Fell free to modify and incorp into your money-maker. But gimme some credit, dammit; somewhere, anywhere.
ThingRendevous, aka Tr, is a real-time multitasking priority-based scheduling kernel for embedded systems.
The kernel follows Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes pattern:
- The task is the fundamental computational unit.
- Each task gets its own thread (that is: each task has it's own stack).
- Need multiple threads? Use the same task code with a different stack.
- Tasks communication using:
- Events
- brief 32-bit chunks
- ordered priority of the sending task
- identified by the sending task
- Messages
- blocks of data
- ordered by priority or FIFO (your choice)
- identified by the sending task
- Streams
- of bytes
- always FIFO
- always anonymous.
- Events
It's very similar to Ada's task type, but entry-s/accept-s are explicitly events/messages/streams.
- Every task can have none or one, and any combo of:
- event queue
- message queue
- stream
- Only the owning task can read from (aka accept) its events, messages, or streams.
- Every task can write to (aka enter) every other task's event, message, or stream.
- Both pre-empting and non-pre-empting calls may be used (see the Spec for details).
- All non-pre-empting calls may be made from interrupts.
- Interrupts are nest-able and re-enable-able.
To build data structures need by Tr, a seperate tool is used.
- tool/ is that tool; requires python3
- scans your code for keywords
- keywords and usage described in doc/TN09_AllAboutTrTasks.txt
- builds a file, trTi.c, that's part of your app.
Tr uses this data structure to operate on APIs.
Tr always operates as its own ARM process, with its own stack. Tr is interruptable. Tr uses
- the usual b-trees to resolve IDs
- priority-lists to figure out who should run
- tracks task states
- and worries context saves/restores.
Pretty pedestrian stuff.
Tr does not use the usual interrupts-off critical section meme.
Tr's uses a private section; it's just an SVC exception. Tr takes advantage of SVC's high priority to perform crucial operations, even during interrupts.
- This avoids ARM exception and interrupt priority issues (you are responsible for prioritizing interrupts).
- It gets around ARM process priviledge conumndrums (tho everything is priviledged).
- Treats ARM handlers and threads transparently.
ThingRendevous does not support run-time (dynamic) task creation. All tasks and resource requirements are static and constructed at build-time. When you build a system, all the tasks present at build-time are all the tasks you get.
Embedded systems I've encountered
rarely perform dynamic task creation.
You build it; you flash it; you got it.
If you need dynamic process creation, well, that makes the case for embedding Linux, doesn't it?
Tr's private section scheme via SVC means a lot of register stacking and un-stacking. This may be less of a problem than we think.
Finally: This is a message-passing kernel. Copy-time can be an issue (So why not just toss pointers around by exchanging message blocks? See? You're gonna do it anyway).
Alfred O Fingulin [email protected] alfredofingulin
It's his thing, and his thing alone.
You can't. Only The Kielbasa Kid can stop him.