python path=<path> coordinates=<coordinates_filename> \
sp_output=<output_filename> from=<start_folder> \
to=<end_folder> step=<folder_step>
path : Base directory path containing subdirectories with input files. Each subdirectory will be processed.
coordinates : Name of the coordinates file (e.g., '') in each subdirectory.
sp_output : Name of the output file (e.g., 'output') in each subdirectory, which contains total energy and force data.
from : Starting number for the subdirectory loop. For example, 'from=1' starts processing from folder '1'.
to : Ending number for the subdirectory loop. For example, 'to=100' processes up to folder '100'.
step : Step size for incrementing through subdirectories. For example, 'step=5' processes every 5th folder in the specified range.
python path=/data/simulations \ \
sp_output=output from=1 to=100 step=5
This example processes folders /data/simulations/1
, /data/simulations/6
, /data/simulations/11
, ..., /data/simulations/96
Each processed folder's data is appended to a single output file named
created in the base path.