DEPRECATED: We recommend using instead
Reloads a Go server when the code changes. Compatible with Gulp tasks and LiveReload.
Use npm:
npm install --save-dev golang-server-reload
You can use this library inside a Gulp task. For example:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
Server = require('golang-server-reload');
gulp.task('serve', function() {
// First argument is the package to build.
// Second argument is the folder where the Go sources are located
// (it can be relative to the current gulpfile)
// Third argument is the server binary to run.
var server = new Server('', '/gopath/src/', '/gopath/bin/mypackage');
// Optional: File to touch when the serve is ready to reload the page
// using LiveReload or something similar.
// Optional: Additional custom env variables.
server.setEnvFunction(function() {
return {
BAR: 'baz',
// 12345 is the port where the app is going to listen when it's started.
// 8080 is the proxy port of the server that recompiles it (the one you have
// to access in your browser).
server.serve(12345, 8080);
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