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andrevdm edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Here is a example of a T-Tree being created and used

using TTree;

TTreeRoot<int> ttree = new TTreeRoot<int>( 18, 20 );

ttree.Add( 10 );
ttree.Add( 1 );
ttree.Add( 17 );

foreach( int i in tree )
	Console.WriteLine( i );

  1. Create the T-Tree root, specifying the minimum and maximum occupancy count. “The minimum and maximum counts will usually differ by just a small amount, on the order of one or two items, which turns out to be enough to signifcantly reduce the need for tree rotations.” (1)
  2. Add some items
  3. Enumerate all the items in the tree

In short you use the T-Tree the same way you would use any other ICollection.

(1): Tobin J. Lehman and Michael J. Carey, A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems. VLDB 1986

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