In this analysis we built 2 recommendation systems (content and collaborative filtering) to recommend new projects to existing donors based on their donation history. This will help build tailored marketing campaigns to recommend better projects to Donors, to eventually increase donations. You can take a quick look at the powerpoint summary with the results and conclusions. For a detailed report and analysis please refer to python notebook.
Content Based Filtering - We used TF-IDF scores and Cosine similarity on project titles and project descriptons to identify new projects which are similar to past projects to which a donor has donated. Overall we found that content based filtering tends to work better when we have more variety of projects donated by a donor. This helps us better understand their interests and likes/dislikes, eventually helping us provide individual recommendations. We recommended projects with an average precision of 58% and recall of 55% on top 1000 donors.
Collaborative Filetring - This method makes automatic predictions (filtering) about the preference of a donor by collecting preferences from many other donors (collaborating). The assumption in in this model is that if A & B have donated to one project, they are likely to share each other preferences for a project than a randomly choosen donor. We used a latent factor model, Singular Value Decomposition to find hidden factors that affect a donor's preferences and recommend new projects for a donor based on similar donors.
Note - One of the major drawbacks of colaborative filtering is the cold start problem i.e. if a project has no past donor. In that case content based filtering could prove to be useful.
Below are the contents of this Analysis
Key Business Questions
Data Overview
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Pre-processing
Recommendation Systems
i. Content Based Recommendation System
ii. Collaborative Recommendation System
Next Steps