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Rotherham e-RS Integration Web-Application

Clone the project:

$ git clone [email protected]:AnswerConsulting/eRS-Document-Integration.git


Ensure you have an instance of SQL Server installed and running on your machine

Install the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your server

Navigate to the Setup folder and run the script ers_database_create.sql in SQL Server Management Studio to generate the database

Using a text editor, open eRS-Document-Integration/API/eRS.API/appsettings.json and edit the line DefaultConnection to associate to your SQL Server's database connection string.


Ensure you have the latest .NET Core 6 SDK installed

CD into the project API folder:

$ cd eRS-Document-Integration/API

Run the project:

$ dotnet run --project eRS.API/eRS.API.csproj

To confirm that the application is running, navigate to https://localhost:7204 in your browser to view the api interface


CD into the project API folder:

$ cd eRS-Document-Integration/Client

Install the required packages:

$ npm install

Run the project:

$ npm run start

Navigate to https://localhost:3000 while the API is running to view and use the web application